The act of shirking from responsibilities and duties, especially from attending school.
They promised in 1998 to cut truancy by a third.
Overly strict enforcement of school rules can encourage truancy.
The power is intended to operate within a joint local approach to tackling truancy.
Electronic registers, swipe cards and truancy patrols improve registration.
Its truancy rate - at 2.8% - is more than twice the national average of 1.2 %.
Graffiti removal teams helped clean up the area and a truancy sweep was also carried out.
The aim was for the LEA to be directly involved with some schools to reduce truancy.
He states that in the case of persistent truancy, it is the system which is at fault, not the pupil.
In 1728 he ran away, the truancy being by his own account unintentional in the first instance, and due to the fact of the city gates being shut earlier than usual.
Truancy is a gateway to serious violent and nonviolent crime.
In the Manual to Combat Truancy, five key points are defined for minimizing truancy.
The first step is to involve parents in all aspects of truancy prevention.
Alternately, some states are investigating ways to use incentives such as linking eligibility for public assistance to truancy as an effective way to capture parents' interest in keeping their children in school.
The root causes of truancy are complex and varied and can include drug use, membership in a peer group of truants or gangs, lack of direction in education, poor academic performance, and violence at or near school.
Truancy is not normally an isolated problem in a child's life.
Truancy is a symptom that things are out of control in a child's life.
In extreme cases, they may show aggression by purse snatching, muggings, or robbery, or in less overt ways by persistent truancy, lying, and vandalism.
Neither reasons quite pass muster with the truancy team, who are impervious to weak excuses.
These measures were seen as indirectly reducing condoned truancy.
There isn't the bullying, truancy or negative behavior you can find at other schools.
What about the Prime Minister's promise to cut school truancy by a third?
Although education action zones have helped primary schools cut truancy, they have not had a significant impact on the secondary sector.
It is a serious problem; too many parents actively collude and are involved in their children's truancy.
This will now target more than 10,000 serial truants who account for 1 in 5 of all instances of truancy in England.
A truancy act (1908) provides that every child between the ages of 7 and 14 years living in a city of the first, second, third or fourth class must attend school regularly for the full term of said school.
There is n't the bullying, truancy or negative behavior you can find at other schools.
Primary post-registration truancy is almost non-existent for various reasons.
Over 900 truancy sweeps stopping more than 12,000 pupils in May alone.
This is the first time that truancy patrols have been used in Norfolk.
Bexley Council would ask all children and adults to support the truancy initiatives by giving the details required.
His mother, Claire, assailed by truancy officers, begged him to go to school.
The truancy target has now been revised downwards having been missed.
What about the Prime Minister 's promise to cut school truancy by a third?
It is a serious problem; too many parents actively collude and are involved in their children 's truancy.
With regard to truancy in schools, we have improved investment in the education system.
All absences related to anti-war demonstrations will therefore be recorded as truancy from school.
They engage in a variety of antisocial and destructive acts, including violence towards people and animals, destruction of property, lying, stealing, truancy, and running away from home.
Another less common reason for retention is poor attendance due either to truancy or medical absences.
Parents are troubled by children who are out of control and have problem behaviors such as running away, truancy, school failings or suspensions, and delinquency.
Truancy specialists provide topic-focused workshops and referrals to family counseling; court intervention is sometimes necessary.
Many of these children are labeled "ungovernable" for committing offenses such as running away and truancy.
Parental involvement with teachers can head off many problems of truancy, and community education on gang culture will help parents and teachers to identify early signs of gang involvement.
Truancy is high, school performance is low, and they have a distorted view of themselves.
School refusal is not the same as truancy.
Unlike school phobia, truancy often occurs with other antisocial behaviors such as shoplifting, lying, and drug and alcohol use.
The school climate improved, and the rate of antisocial behavior, such as theft, vandalism, and truancy, declined during the two-year period.
Truancy is unapproved absence from school, usually without a parent's knowledge.
Truancy is a serious problem in many communities in the United States.
Most experts believe that truancy is a powerful and accurate predictor of involvement in crime and violence.
Truancy is different from school phobia, in which a child fails to attend school because of anxiety.