A set of three works of art that are connected, and that can be seen either as a single work or as three individual works. They are commonly found in literature, film, or video games.
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is a cinematic masterpiece.
I plan to write a trilogy, three books, about this period.
The Absence of War, a play about the Labor Party, completed the trilogy.
Die natiirliche Tochter (1803), in which he began to embody his ideas of the Revolution on a wide canvas, proved impossible on the stage, and the remaining dramas, which were to have formed a trilogy, were never written.
The first plan of building a new theatre for the purpose in Munich itself was rejected, because Wagner rightly felt that the appeal of his advanced works, like the Nibelungen trilogy, would be far stronger if the comparatively small number of people who wished to hear them were removed from the distractions of a large capital; Bayreuth possessed the desired seclusion, being on a line of railway that could not be approached from any quarter without changing.
In1898-1900he produced a historical trilogy, Struensee, tracing the career of the minister from his early years as a doctor in Altona to his final downfall.
The third novel in C. S. Lewis 's classic sci-fi trilogy is perhaps the most prophetic.
If you can't find the UK trilogy diamond engagement ring you have in mind, you can always contact a jeweler to create a custom engagement ring.
It was brill when FACT showed the 70mm Indiana jones trilogy one Sunday and I've been awaiting more.
In the first part of the trilogy Reggio mapped the natural landscape onto the computer microchip.
The director of cult hit Oldboy returns with the wonderfully entertaining and darkly humorous third part in his 'vengeance ' trilogy.
I began to read this trilogy in year 6, when my teacher recommended it to me.
Ben Maher, a Random dancer, whom McGregor also continues to commission, made the costumes for the entire trilogy.
Tickets £ 16 & £ 15 Sun 12 Brentwood Center Elvis - An American trilogy.
In addition to the two tragedies of Sophocles, the legend formed the subject of a trilogy by Aeschylus, of which only the Seven against Thebes is extant; of the Phoenissae of Euripides; and of the Oedipus and Phoenissae of Seneca.
With the release of the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, video games and other Star Wars related paraphernalia we have a whole new generation of Star Wars fans ready to embrace all things Star Wars.
He has appeared in more than 30 television and film roles, and produced several shows and movies, including Vanilla Sky, the Mission Impossible trilogy, The Last Samurai, and Elizabethtown.
Orlando Bloom rocketed to fame through his role as Legolas, Greenleaf of the Woodland Realm, in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
While filming the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Bloom convinced the other members of the Fellowship of the Ring to get tattoos commemorating their roles.
At 18, he toured with the stage production of Torch Song Trilogy.
Engagement Rings of London has trilogy rings.
Trilogy rings are a popular style of engagement rings and can be designed for just your style, tastes, and budget.
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy games are all appropriate for young adults and up.
In this way, Overlord is similar in scope to the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
In Galactic Civil War you play key battles from the original Star Wars Trilogy (IV-V), while the Clone wars focuses on specific scenarios from the Star Wars prequel movies.
The Metroid Prime Trilogy includes the first Prime game, Echoes and the third Prime game with better graphics and effects.
The original Ninja Gaiden arcade game, as well as the unrelated trilogy that followed on the Nintendo Entertainment System, has always held a special place in gamers' hearts the world over.
The Halo trilogy finally concluded with Halo 3, giving the Xbox 360 the number one spot in September.
From the long mane seen in the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy to the boyishly short 'do, to the sexy, tousled waves, there's nothing Bloom can't pull off with panache.
This Star Wars Original Trilogy Edition Risk board game is based on Star Wars episodes IV, V and VI (the first, second and third movies).
Also called trilogy or trinity rings, three stone rings represent the past, present, and future of a couple's relationship, making them particularly significant as engagement rings.
Those with diamonds are known as trilogy engagement rings.
If you're interested in a trilogy ring, don't forget that you're not limited to the classic styles.
Quite often you'll see a trilogy diamond engagement ring with three round diamonds of equal or almost-equal size.
Traditionally, UK trilogy diamond engagement rings have three white diamonds.
You can choose a trilogy ring, however, that has a large diamond center stone and a gemstone of any complementary size on either side.
There's no limit on the types of precious metals when it comes to trilogy diamond engagement rings.
If you're opting to use one or more colored stones in your trilogy ring, you may find that you see more of one metal than others.
A diamond flower engagement ring is a nice alternative from the usual diamond solitaire engagement rings and trilogy rings.
The trilogy is the highest grossing trilogy of all time, having earned nearly $3 billion in box office receipts -- more than Harry Potter or Star Wars.
Follwing the spectacular success of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Jackson went on to make one of the most celebrated and most eagerly anticipated remakes in history.
The first movie of George Lucas' trilogy set off the beginning of nerddom everywhere.
By far, the most popular Disney Channel Original Movies series has been the High School Musical trilogy.
Orlando Bloom caught a serious break as an actor by starring in the Lord of the Rings trilogy as Legolas.
Though he plays the role of excavator Sallah in Raiders of the Lost Ark, actor John Rhys-Davies is probably best known currently for his role of Gimli in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
For fans of the movie trilogy, these new DeLoreans offer an exciting chance to own an updated version of the Back to the Future car.
Rumor has it that the creators of the film intend it to be a trilogy.
The Halo trilogy is one of the best selling video games series to date and the music within the game worthy of a Grammy or two.
This album is the first in what would later be referred to by fans and critics as The Cure's "Dark Trilogy."
The second "Dark Trilogy" release, Faith is considered to be a landmark album in the gothic music movement.