A transsexual person.
Then, the Appeal Court gave transsexuals the right to sex change operations on the NHS.
Police to recruit transsexuals A police force is planning to recruit transsexuals to promote its equal opportunities policy.
I would like to share with you some of the techniques she uses to assist in voice improvement with male to female transsexuals.
Once unregulated, it was used for everything from smoothing wrinkles to giving breasts to transsexuals.
And the message is getting home at last that transsexuals in this country are the recipients of some quite extraordinary official prejudice.
Both male and female transsexuals believe and repeatedly insist that they actually are, or will grow up to be, members of the opposite sex.
In some cases, adult transsexuals (both male and female) have their primary and secondary sexual characteristics altered through a sex change operation, consisting of surgery followed by hormone treatments.
While not all persons with GID are labeled as transsexuals, there are those who are determined to undergo sex change procedures or have done so, and, therefore, are classified as transsexual.
Transsexuals alter their physical appearance cosmetically and hormonally and may eventually undergo a sex-change operation.
In some cases, adult transsexuals (both male and female) have their primary and secondary sexual characteristics altered through a sex change operation, consisting of surgery and hormone treatments.
An adult site might include checkboxes for couples seeking couples, individuals wanting to join sex groups, people interested in meeting transsexuals, and so on.
The site is intended for true transsexuals instead of transgender (cross-dressers) individuals and is for those seeking real relationships.
More importantly, this website has many great articles about transsexuals and how to date them.