To drink excessively; to get drunk.
The total height of this Sakiya tope will therefore have been approximately a little under 50 ft.
All these topes were opened and examined by General Alexander Cunningham and Lieut.-Colonel Maisey in 1851; and the great tope has been described and illustrated by them and by James Fergusson.
It must formerly have been much higher, the top of the tope having originally formed a terrace, 34 ft.
Lundy Island offers excellent for pollack fishing, whilst head to Baggy Point, 8 miles to the south for autumn tope.
The young fish form large schools, probably to help protect them from predation by larger tope and seals.
A whole small whiting or half a dab proves the better bait for tope, rays and huss, especially the whiting.
The first results of the tagging does not show the Tope making a southward mass migration in autumn occurs.
Tope of 23 lb (11.3 kg) caught from Anglesey shore mark, returned alive.
Or why not take to the high seas and try some offshore tope fishing in Norfolk?
The ancient architecture of Kashmir, the tope of Manikyala in the Punjab, and many sculptures found in the Peshawar valley, show unmistakable Greek influence.
By age eighteen, Forbes Magazine had her pegged as one of the tope ten money earning models in the world.