A pain or ache in a tooth.
A toothache may feel like a sharp pain or a dull ache.
I had suffered with raging toothache for ten years.
I 've had terrible toothache in South Georgia, in the middle of nowhere.
I was starting to have more trouble with my mouth with cutting edge toothache pain with swelling almost every night.
It is used in the treatment of toothache and rheumatism.
However, a dog's breath can move to the beginning of bad breath, to the sour breath of a toothache or gum disease.
A toothache is any pain or soreness within or around a tooth, indicating inflammation and possible infection.
The dentist begins by asking the patient specific questions about the toothache, including the types of foods that make the pain worse, whether the tooth is sensitive to temperature or biting, and whether the pain is worse at night.
If there is fever, swelling, intense pain, or bleeding in addition to the toothache the dentist should be seen right away.
When a toothache is left untreated, a severe infection may develop and spread to the sinuses or jawbone, and eventually cause blood poisoning.
Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the toothache.
Prompt dental treatment provides a positive outcome for toothache.
Any patient with a toothache should see a dentist for diagnosis and treatment.
If the toothache lasts for more than 24 hours an appointment with the dentist should be made.
Diagnosis includes identifying the location of the toothache, as well as the cause.
The herb corydalis (Corydalis yanhusuo) may also help relieve toothache pain.
A piece of cotton wool soaked in strong carbolic acid will relieve the pain of dental caries, but is useless in other forms of toothache.
For example, a mercurial pill at night, followed by salts and senna in the morning, will often relieve the pain in toothache or gum-boil, and lessen inflammation not only in the mouth, but other parts of the body as well.
The smoking of the seeds and capsules of henbane is noted in books as a somewhat dangerous remedy adopted by country people for toothache.
I'll get a phrasebook with " My toothache appears to have returned, do you have a crowbar you could hit me with?
Analysis of the teeth shows prehistoric dentists had a go at curing toothache with drills made from flint heads.
I've had terrible toothache in South Georgia, in the middle of nowhere.
Another suggestion is that herbs or roots used to relieve toothache were pressed into tooth cavities using a piece of tar.
In severe toothache the pain can be referred to the ear, there may also be a headache, sometimes a rise in temperature.
If you have a bad toothache in our area you could ring NHS Direct.
As tedious as a nagging toothache, the myth is endlessly repeated.
A pledget of cotton saturated with passiflora and introduced into a carious tooth has promptly allayed violent toothache.
Maxillary sinusitis may produce pain in the teeth of the upper jaw; the pain may be mistaken for toothache.
When the decay reaches the center of the tooth (the pulp), the resulting inflammation (pulpitis) produces a toothache.
Richard N Bhuna @ Classic Rock Bar I've got toothache.
The same may be said of the lineal descendant of savage medicine - the magical leech-craft of European folk-lore; cures for toothache, warts, &c., act in spite of the disbelief of the sufferer; how far incredulity on the part of the healer would result in failure is an open question.