A nervous or somewhat repressed giggle.
To laugh or giggle in a somewhat subdued or restrained way, as from nervousness or poorly-suppressed amusement.
To teeter; to seesaw.
There was a loud titter among the audience who thought this was an accident.
On the night I was there, Paulina's great line provoked an embarrassed titter.
Now i'm not one to gloat normally but... i couldn't help but have a little titter!
But he did raise a titter from the kids when he demonstrated how he would play tunes on women's ' butt cracks ' .
Well, actually, cue the odd titter here and there.
Some of his faces caused a titter in the audience, who were then asked to stand and sing ' Hosanna ' .
But he did raise a titter from the kids when he demonstrated how he would play tunes on women 's ' butt cracks '.
Some of his faces caused a titter in the audience, who were then asked to stand and sing ' Hosanna '.
Now i 'm not one to gloat normally but... i could n't help but have a little titter !
On the night I was there, Paulina 's great line provoked an embarrassed titter.
The suggestion draws a nervous titter from Airey, who is clearly aware of the threat.
An occasional titter here and there from the audience paid heed to the humor.