The concentration of a substance as determined by titration.
To measure a concentration, especially by means of titration
A direct correlation between survival and neutralizing antibody titer was found.
Before beginning my work I had to have a baseline antibody titer done in case of a possible accident with the polio virus.
Even at 15 min, Virkon S is still able to significantly lower the titer of the contaminating bacteria by at least 10 6.5.
Blood samples were also taken to determine serum titer of EBV IgA.
Using tartaric acid as a standard for determining the titer of your NaOH is probably good enough - at least for TA measurements.
The titer tests were conducted by Rod Little, Pfizer Global Manufacturing.
Even if the titer count is high, it is not indicative that the cat is going to develop FIP, nor does it mean that the cat will be protected from the virus in the future.
A titer is the serial dilution of antibodies (protein molecules or immunoglobulins produced by the immune system in response to specific disease agents) found in blood serum that determines their level of concentration.
The TORCH test screens for the presence of IgM antibodies, and the titer determines their concentration in the blood.
The duration of protection is dependent to a great extent on the maternal antibody titer and the antibodies received by the infant during pregnancy.
Conversely, a woman sensitized by previous Rh-positive fetuses may have a high antibody titer during her pregnancy while the fetus is Rh-negative.
Therefore, all mothers who have Rh-negative blood and no apparent sensitization (as indicated by antibody titer) should be treated with a standard 300g dose of Rh(D) immune globulin (Rhogam) at about 28 weeks of gestation.
The results indicated that Virkon S was able to reduce the titer to 0.00 at 20 mins.