The state of being tired.
I am going to assuage my tiredness by drinking some coffee this morning.
The child may complain of tiredness and have trouble sitting up, standing, or moving the neck, shoulders, abdomen, back, or hips.
The symptoms may develop so gradually that you can become used to your increased thirst and tiredness.
Too little fluid can increase the risk of urine infections, tiredness, headaches, constipation, and thus worsen existing MS symptoms.
A person who has hypersomnia notices an ongoing desire to fall asleep or feelings of tiredness.
These symptoms are sometimes accompanied by bloating, low fever, chills, headache, and overall tiredness or weakness.
A situation that was probably quite festive suddenly turns nasty, and mere tiredness turns to terror at the prospect of being drowned.
My usual symptoms were extreme tiredness to the point I was convinced I had narcolepsy.
Falling lines can indicate tiredness or even depression and illness whereas horizontal lines show good self-control and balance.
The tiredness from working more than 53 hours a week and the demands of dealing with increasingly unruly pupils are taking their toll.
Party was rather damped by the sheer tiredness, people choosing to snooze in front of the wood fire digesting rice instead !
Therapeutic massage can be helpful in reducing pain or tiredness in the feet.
When the effects wear off, tiredness and depression often follow.
These emotions can also be brought on as a secondary consequence of tiredness, which can be triggered by night sweats and general unrest.
It's also important to prevent insomnia and excessive tiredness, avoid alcohol, and minimize stress.
Major symptoms are paleness, shortness of breath, unusually fast or strong heart beats, and tiredness.
Unexpressed feelings may surface as physical symptoms, such as stomachache, headache, and unusual complaint of tiredness.
Getting enough air can become difficult; tiredness, shortness of breath, and intolerance of exercise become more common.
Other symptoms include tiredness, pain, bone deterioration, broken bones, anemia, and increased bruising.
Symptoms of ketoacidosis include excessive thirst and urination, abdominal pain, vomiting, rapid breathing, extreme tiredness, and drowsiness.
When present, the symptoms are non-specific and usually include fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal discomfort, dark urine, clay-colored bowel movements, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes).
Normally, the extreme tiredness of being pregnant will vanish around the three-month mark.
For many women, this tiredness is the clearest physical difference that happens during early pregnancy.
Tiredness, confusion, and depression can occur from chemotherapy's effect on certain central nervous system functions.
Symptoms can also include fever, chills, tiredness, muscle aches, earache, pain or discomfort when swallowing, and swollen glands in the neck.
The symptoms of megaloblastic anemia are tiredness and weakness.
Iron deficiency causes anemia (low hemoglobin and reduced numbers of red blood cells), which results in tiredness and shortness of breath because of poor oxygen delivery.
People who have never been exposed to influenza, particularly children, may experience one to two days of a slight fever, tiredness, and muscle aches.
Signs of physical dependency include the need to increase the dosage in order to achieve results, mental depression, unusual behavior, and unusual tiredness or weakness.
Persons with listeriosis may develop flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, nausea and vomiting, tiredness, and diarrhea.
Improper bed positioning results in a lack of energy, general tiredness and an overall feeling of being unwell.
Tiredness. Your body is working hard to prepare for a developing baby.
Tiredness, like breast changes, can start early on in pregnancy.
For some people, it is hard when this intensely happy feeling gets replaced by extreme tiredness a few hours later.
It's accompanied by fever, aches, tiredness, sore throat, and cough.
But the pristine forest and surrounding view was more than worth the tiredness that crept into the arms and legs.
Traveling steerage; sitting on hard wooden train seats; walking miles and miles and sleeping where they fell in tiredness.
Since ancient times, herbalists recommended cinnamon as an antimicrobial agent, to treat exhaustion and tiredness, for stomach upsets, colds and other upper respiratory ailments.
The result of stress can be lack of concentration or motivation, over tiredness due to sleeping problems, health issues through poor diet, eating disorders and many more.
Symptoms of flu include fever, headache, extreme tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and muscle aches.
The most common minor side effects are nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping or bloating, breast pain, tenderness or swelling, swollen ankles or feet, tiredness, and acne.
If present, symptoms are non-specific and usually include fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal discomfort, dark urine, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes).
In addition to a runny nose and fever, signs of a cold include coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion, headache, muscle ache, chills, sore throat, hoarseness, watery eyes, tiredness, and lack of appetite.
Scurvy-A nutritional disorder caused by vitamin C deficiency that is characterized by tiredness, muscle weakness, joint and muscle aches, a rash on the legs, bleeding gums, and skin bruising.
Brandon Westlake sighed, the tiredness in his old body apparent.