To walk quietly with only the tips of the toes touching the ground.
She tiptoed away from the door.
She tiptoed to the kitchen and peeked in.
His boots sloshed as he tiptoed across the kitchen floor.
He pulled the door shut gently and tiptoed down the hall after her.
She tiptoed over to one of the cloth-covered objects, keeping a wary eye on the door, and carefully lifted the cloth.
She tiptoed to the iPad and peered at the note.
She tiptoed through the glass and leaned out the window, eyeing the wide ledge.
They both tiptoed around the sexual attraction between them, and her face was flushed again.
Oscar looked out carefully, then tiptoed into the hallway.
One night she left her husband sound asleep, tiptoed downstairs and peeped through a crack of the door.
He has tiptoed away, allocating a derisory sum for reconstruction in Afghanistan, a country falling back into chaos.
Determined to discover what lay behind, he tiptoed carefully across the attic floor.
The Gruffalo 's Child was feeling brave So she tiptoed out of the gruffalo cave.
Later that night, out of curiosity, Brother Leonard went back to the brewing room and tiptoed over to the barrel.
In twilit rooms still scattered with packaging, curators were studying the hang, and critics tiptoed around.
Pulling a robe over her nightgown, she tiptoed down the hall and silently opened the door to the patio.
Together, they tiptoed across the hardwood floor and stood proudly looking down Zach.
She tiptoed to the closet and slid inside, peeking through the slats of the door.
He turned to me with real anxiety in his eyes and tiptoed back to my bed so he wouldn't have to raise his voice.