Alternative form of teepee
A tipi and a large bender provided more space when needed, as well as smaller tents too.
Discovering the amazing ways that people live, and a chance to design your own tipi.
Asher Tipis Camping with a twist Once again Greenbelt 2006 will see a tipi village from Asher Tipis.
Asher tipis Camping with a twist Once again Greenbelt 2006 will see a tipi village from Asher Tipis.
I took this one with my phone camera up on the ridge between the Glade and the tipi field.
Beans on Plot 29 The runner bean tipi (left) with onions in the foreground.
The tipi is made using twelve wood poles with tule mat covers which were eventually replaced by bison skins during the late 18th century.