The sound made when a small bell is struck.
To make a high sharp sound like a small bell being struck.
When the microwaved food was ready, the bell tinged.
Used to represent the sound of a small bell.
Causing a ball to be potted is known as pot ting.
Ting; 5.
The absorption of the cell-walls takes place very early in the germina-, ting seedling.
I just don't want dis ' whole ' ting to go south, y'know?
Raise the oven temperature to 425 F or Gas mark 7. Place the beef dripping into a roasting ting tin.
Place in a covered roasting ting tin, or wrap in foil.
The same occurs in the verticillate arrangement, the leaves of each whorl rarely being super- posed on those of the whorl next it, but usually alterna ting so that each leaf in a whorl occupies the space be tween two leaves of the whorl next to it.
And, if the rider weight has been correctly adjusted, the bag of sugar will be shown to weigh exactly 4 lb by the beam vibra - ting in equipoise.
Some observers lay the blame at th door of Buddhism, a creed which promotes pessimism by beget ting the anchorite, the ascetic and the shuddering believer ii seven hells.
It is supposed the Ting, or old Assembly, met at this spot before it removed to Tingwall.
These are short but fair-sized streams. Near the Kunlong ferry the Nam Nim, on the right bank, and the Nam Ting, on the left, are considerably longer, and the Nam Ting is navigable by native craft for considerable stretches up to Meng Ting and farther.
The Wa, who inhabit the hills immediately overlooking the Nam Ting valley, now make the route dangerous for traders.