In a timid manner.
She looked timidly at her brother.
She timidly entered their room before he'd finished buttoning.
The princess timidly opened the door which moved noiselessly and easily.
He is almost timidly cautious.
A storm? she ventured timidly, afraid of being wrong.
I've hurt my arm, he said timidly.
He timidly landed about 6000 or 8000 troops at the north-west of Malta and withdrew.
She touched him timidly, her cool hands branding him as heat coursed through him.
But feeling this to be senseless and impossible, he again glanced timidly at her.
Those eyes, filled with happy tears, gazed at him timidly, compassionately, and with joyous love.
I've never seen my cats behave so territorially, and BeBe has never behaved so timidly.
Deidre moved past him timidly, expecting him to attack her.
After tea Sonya noticed a housemaid at Natasha's door timidly waiting to let her pass.
In and out of the hive long black robber bees smeared with honey fly timidly and shiftily.
She opened her mouth and drank from him, timidly at first then hungrily.
Deidre responded timidly at first then leaned into him.
When her shock wore off, she responded timidly.
I wrote timidly, fearfully, but resolutely, urged on by my teacher, who knew that if I persevered, I should find my mental foothold again and get a grip on my faculties.
When it came to Natasha's turn to choose a partner, she rose and, tripping rapidly across in her little shoes trimmed with bows, ran timidly to the corner where Denisov sat.
That's just how she started and just how she came up smiling timidly when all this happened before," thought Natasha, "and in just the same way I thought there was something lacking in her."
The mummers (some of the house serfs) dressed up as bears, Turks, innkeepers, and ladies--frightening and funny--bringing in with them the cold from outside and a feeling of gaiety, crowded, at first timidly, into the anteroom, then hiding behind one another they pushed into the ballroom where, shyly at first and then more and more merrily and heartily, they started singing, dancing, and playing Christmas games.
Then his lips and tongue moved, sounds came, and he began to speak, gazing timidly and imploringly at her, evidently afraid that she might not understand.
The count spoke timidly, as he always did when talking of money matters.
Rapidly and timidly raising his fingers to his forehead by way of greeting, he asked Pierre whether the soldier Platoche to whom he had given a shirt to sew was in that shed.
For war the natives smear themselves in grotesque fashion with lime or ochres, and in some parts hold in their teeth against the chin a face-like mask, supposed to strike terror into the foe, against whom they advance warily (if not timidly), yelling and blowing their war-trumpets.
She bit him timidly, failed to draw blood, then closed her eyes and bit him hard.
He chuckled as she nibbled timidly at his neck.
This man seemed to me to lean over the cornice, and timidly whisper his half truth to the rude occupants who really knew it better than he.
Tushin appeared at the threshold and made his way timidly from behind the backs of the generals.
Sarah crouched to the floor and timidly put her hand into Elisabeth's fur.
She vividly recalled the moment when he had his first stroke and was being dragged along by his armpits through the garden at Bald Hills, muttering something with his helpless tongue, twitching his gray eyebrows and looking uneasily and timidly at her.
They both looked pale, and in the expression on their faces--one of them glanced timidly at Pierre-- there was something resembling what he had seen on the face of the young soldier at the execution.
The countess looked with sad and sternly serious eyes at Prince Andrew when he talked to Natasha and timidly started some artificial conversation about trifles as soon as he looked her way.
Andrew..." she said timidly after a moment's silence, "I have a great favor to ask of you."
After that he avoided Dessalles and the countess who caressed him and either sat alone or came timidly to Princess Mary, or to Natasha of whom he seemed even fonder than of his aunt, and clung to them quietly and shyly.
Waiting for him to snap or yell as he had when she arrived to Hell, she touched him timidly with her other hand to begin exploring the ridges of the scars on his chest.