A tiny woodland arachnid of the suborder Ixodida.
A relatively quiet but sharp sound generally made repeatedly by moving machinery.
The steady tick of the clock provided a comforting background for the conversation.
A mark on any scale of measurement; a unit of measurement.
At midday, the long bond is up a tick.
A jiffy (unit of time defined by basic timer frequency).
A short period of time, particularly a second.
I'll be back in a tick.
A periodic increment of damage or healing caused by an ongoing status effect.
A mark (✓) made to indicate agreement, correctness or acknowledgement.
Indicate that you are willing to receive marketing material by putting a tick in the box
A bird seen (or heard) by a birdwatcher, for the first time that day, year, trip, etc., and thus added to a list of observed birds.
The whinchat.
To make a clicking noise similar to the movement of the hands in an analog clock.
To make a tick or checkmark.
To work or operate, especially mechanically.
He took the computer apart to see how it ticked.
To strike gently; to pat.
To add a bird to a list of birds that have been seen (or heard).
A sheet that wraps around a mattress; the cover of a mattress, containing the filling.
To go on trust, or credit.
To give tick; to trust.
(place names) A goat.
Tickenhall Drive
You'll get ticks and chiggers all over you.
Yeah, you could get to it, but it would take a while, and you'd be subjecting yourself to thorns, ticks, snakes and about ten miles of the roughest country you can imagine.
The ticks (Ixodes) are not only injurious as blood-suckers, but are now credited with carrying the germs of Texas cattle-fever, just as mosquitoes carry those of malaria.
This is partly due to such pests as the vampire bat and bush ticks (carrapatos), and partly to the unprogressiveness of the cattlemen.
Besides the manufacture of sheeting, towelling, ticks, dowlas and sail-cloth, the principal industries include flax-spinning, net-making, bleaching, dyeing, tanning, brewing, brass and iron founding, and there are potteries, flour-mills, engineering works, fisheries, and factories for the making of oil-cloth and linoleum.
As compared with the majority of Acari, ticks are of large size, distended female specimens of some of the species measuring half an inch or more in length, while even the newly hatched young can hardly be regarded as microscopical.
It is by means of the hypostome that ticks pierce the integument and firmly adhere to the host whose blood they suck for food.
For a longer or shorter period of their lives ticks are parasitic upon vertebrate animals of various kinds; but although the belief that the bite of certain tropical species is poisonous has long been held by the natives of the countries they infest and has been recorded with corroborative evidence by European authors in books of travel, it is only of recent years that accurate information has been acquired of the part played by these Arachnids in transmitting from one host to another protozoal blood-parasites which cause serious or fatal diseases to man and other animals.
It is singular that the Argasidae, which are for the most part parasitic upon birds, contain the only species of ticks, especially 0.
Ticks belonging to the Ixodidae differ to a certain extent in their life-histories.
Duration of life in ticks depends upon the conditions of their existence.
All are transmitted by arthropods such as lice, mites and ticks.
I wondered how many hundreds of ticks and/or chiggers we'd just picked up (actually none to our later and considerable relief ).
The country ticks on overseas aid, which is taken grudgingly and then squandered.
This method however could yield false negatives if single infected ticks failed to cause clinical disease (Norval et al., 1990 ).
Tick marks on Which side of the graph to draw tick marks on Which side of the graph to draw ticks.
It is probably owing to the possession of such glands and the varied purposes for which the silk is used that spiders as a group far surpass the other orders of Arachnida, with the possible exception of the Acari (mites and ticks), in diversity of form and of size, in numbers of genera and species, in extent of geographical distribution, and in adaptation to varied habitats.
Check over the coat daily and remove any ticks found, preferably with a tick remover tool.
From ticks your dog may contract tapeworm infestation or Lyme disease.
This method however could yield false negatives if single infected ticks failed to cause clinical disease (Norval et al., 1990).
Brown dog ticks are unique in the sense that they can live and grow indoors.
Bedlam Bedbug Insecticide Spray is used to get rid of Bedbugs, Dust Mites, Lice, Ticks and Fleas.
This parasite is thought to be carried by fleas and ticks.
A topical solution, the medication also has the added benefit of killing ticks on a cat within 48 hours of application.
Fleas and ticks also carry diseases that can be fatal to your dog.
These bothersome pests may take up residence on a stuffed animal, and to be sure that the stuffed dog is not harboring any fleas or ticks, apply a small amount of control powder to the toy after each cleaning.
This can be a regular shampooing or a medicated bath to kill fleas and ticks.
Many of these flea control products also have the side benefit of protecting your pet from ticks, another health threat to you and your pet.
Ticks are little blood sucking pests that can pinch a free meal from you or your pet and leave behind a nasty infection or disease for your tip.
Ticks look slightly like spiders, but tend to be much stubbier in structure and come in several varieties.
When you consider the dangerous diseases that are carried and transmitted by ticks, it's easy to see why tick control is so important.
Unlike fleas, ticks aren't able to just jump on their next host and instead must create opportunities to come in contact with their meal trains.
To do this, ticks will crawl up trees, shrubs, plants, tall grasses, fences, etc. and wait for animals and humans to come in contact and then drop off and attach themselves onto their unsuspecting victims.
Remove old empty bird nests, which are a great place for ticks to set up house until another unsuspecting host comes along.
Be sure the pesticide reaches under the leaves as well as on top, and when applying around the outer perimeter of your home, be sure not to miss under crawl spaces and crevices where ticks love to hide.
You can rinse your dog in a flea and tick dip to kill, and repel ticks.
You might apply a flea and tick powder to help stop ticks from making your pet their next lunch date.
No matter which method you choose to control ticks on your dog, always check your dog for these little hitchhikers anyway, especially after walks in parks or other wooded areas.
Be sure to check your dog for ticks periodically, and if you live in an area known to have high tick traffic, take precautions to make your landscape inhospitable for the little buggers.
There's no doubt about it, fleas and ticks are a menace to your pet's well being.
Ticks are far worse, causing infection at the bite site and also transferring dangerous diseases such as Lyme disease.
Ticks also enjoy human hosts, so it's important to have your dog on a tick control program such as Frontline.
Topicals - The most common topical heartworm preventative medication is Selamectin, which is used to protect your pet from heartworms as well as fleas and ticks.
On the spot, monthly treatments are usually good for preventing heartworm and for keeping ticks and fleas away.
Revolution not only prevents heartworm, but also keeps away fleas and ticks.
Although Revolution is a bit more costly than Heartgard, it also offers more protection for your dog and keeps you from having to purchase multiple medications to prevent both fleas and ticks and heartworm.
Others, like citronella, tea tree, and/or lemongrass essential oils will help repel fleas and ticks.
Advantage works by killing adult fleas, while Frontline kills fleas at multiple life stages and also kills ticks that can carry Lyme disease.
Mosquito 86 is a perfect tool to keep your yard free of blood-sucking critters like mosquitoes, fleas, ticks and other common garden pests.
Mosquito 86 can keep your yard free of mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, biting flies and ants.