Any of the many small insects of the order Thysanoptera, especially those that attack useful plants.
Recently, shade-grown tobacco in some localities has suffered considerably from the attacks of small sucking insects known as thrips, which produce " white veins " in the leaf.
Bug Gun for Gardens, 800ml Spray Multi-purpose insecticide which controls greenfly, blackfly, caterpillars, whitefly, aphids and thrips.
Applications of Decis or Evidence for other pests of peas will also have activity on pea thrips.
Includes three families of Thrips (see Thysanoptera).
White vein may also be induced by other causes besides the attacks of thrips.
A new project looking at novel approaches for controlling Thrips palmi began in September 2005.
Some parts of Florida have also been affected by Thrips infestations.
A series of 4 or 5 weekly sprays is best to control a thrips population.
Thrips feed on cell sap by piercing the leaf or flower bud with their mouthparts.
For example, basil helps to keep thrips out of gardens.
The minute insects included in it, which haunt blossoms and leaves, are fairly well known to gardeners by the name Thrips, a generic term used by Linnaeus for the four species of the group which he had examined and relegated to the order Hemiptera.