Any substance added to something in order to thicken it; a thickening agent; a binder.
Mucilages are useful in medicine as vehicles for various insoluble and other drugs, and in the arts as thickeners (in calico-printing, dyeing, &c.).
Thickeners, like arrowroot powder or cornstarch, are substitutes for recipes calling for gelatin.
Starches are the most common form of thickeners for sauces.
There are other starch based thickeners available to cooks like cornstarch, arrowroot, or potato starch and even rice flour, but generally all kitchens will have flour and butter and these are the best ingredients to use to make a roux.
Xanthan gum and carageenan are fairly common thickeners used in ice creams and frozen yogurts.
Xanthan gum is one of the most popular thickeners and emulsifiers used in gluten-free bread recipes.
Thickeners may contain gluten-containing ingredients.