An actor or player.
The Thespians also worshipped the Muses, and celebrated a festival in their honour in the sacred grove on Mount Helicon.
The tomb dates from the 5th century B.C., and is probably that of the Thespians who fell at Plataea, for those who fell at Thermopylae were buried on the field.
The oldest idol of the Thespians was a rude stone.
Seven hundred Thespians accompanied Leonidas to Thermopylae and of their own free will shared his last stand and destruction.
In 424 B.C. the contingent which the Thespians had been compelled to furnish sustained heavy losses at Delium, and in the next year the Thebans took advantage of this temporary enfeeblement to accuse their neighbours of friendship towards Athens and to dismantle their walls.
Many other Texas thespians have gained fame in movies, television and theater.