A justification of a deity or of particular attributes of a deity; specifically, a justification of the existence of evil and suffering in the world; a work or discourse justifying the ways of God.
The Irenaean theodicy justifies evil as being soul making, while the Augustinian form puts evil down to the exercise of human free will.
In his Theodicy Leibnitz argues, like not a few predecessors, that this universe must be regarded as the best of all possible universes.
Others find in the gospel of redemption the true theodicy.
Thus they presented in fact a theodicy, a rudimentary philosophy of religion.
This theodicy of Cousin laid him open obviously enough to the charge of pantheism.
Cousin made no reply to Hamilton's criticism beyond alleging that Hamilton's doctrine necessarily restricted human knowledge and certainty to psychology and logic, and destroyed metaphysics by introducing nescience and uncertainty into its highest sphere - theodicy.
To say predestination is thus not only to say God; it is also to say Theodicy.
The major frameworks include sociobiology, theodicy, political realism and ' the clash of civilizations ' .
The major frameworks include sociobiology, theodicy, political realism and ' the clash of civilizations '.
This atheism is profoundly theological, for the theodicy question -- If there is a good God, why all this evil?
In other words, is the form of Old Testament complaint unnecessary for linguistically mastering the theodicy problem today?