Any of several small turtles, of the families Emydidae and Geoemydidae, that live in fresh or brackish water.
In the eastern portion of the Coastal Plain Region are the cotton rat, rice-field rat, marsh rabbit, big-eared bat, brown pelican, swallow-tailed kite, black vulture and some rattlesnakes and cotton-mouth moccasin snakes, all of which are common farther south; and there are some turtles and terrapins, and many geese, swans, ducks, and other water-fowl.
Oysters, crabs, shrimp and terrapins are also abundant here, and in the inland streams are some pike, perch, trout and catfish.
It is also found in or on eggs, in unpasteurised milk, rats, mice, and domestic pets, including terrapins.
If anyone has any large terrapins that they cannot look after for whatever reason I can take them in.
The term turtle is usually used for the aquatic species, aquatic fresh-water turtles also being referred to as terrapins.
The minimum normally considered satisfactory for a fully-grown adult pair of Red-eared terrapins for example is 2m long x 500 mm wide.