Any of various sea birds of the family Sternidae that are similar to gulls but are smaller and have a forked tail.
The Little Tern (Sterna albifrons) is one of Britain's rarest breeding seabirds.
On the southern edge of the town the road descends a steep hill into the valley of the River Tern.
And the good news is that, thanks to another successful lottery bid, Tern is to be extended right along the central seafront.
A Great Crested Tern was seen as was a distant shearwater which we set off after in hot pursuit but never relocated.
Other breeding species whose young are ringed include Cormorant and Common Tern, which nest on islands in the lagoons.
Gull-billed tern 40+ at TG Caspian tern 5 at TG Collared dove A common bird in villages.
Four species of terns on one of the Ternery Pool islands, including two black terns and a roseate tern.
Did manage a few interesting seabirds tho including sooty tern and brown booby.
One of the first view from the hide was the arrival of two Common terns settling on the newly repaired tern raft.
Spring and autumn tern passage is always notable, in particular Black tern passage is always notable, in particular Black Terns which often visit in good numbers.
Summer migrants on passage include wheatear, whinchat, yellow wagtail, tern species and many species of waders.
Shingle is not the favorite surface for walking but we struggled along, seeing widgeon on the way to the tern colony.
During recent years a number of fossil (Carboniferous and Permian) plants have been very thoroughly investigated in the light of modern anatomical knowledge, and as a result it has become st i s clear that in those times a large series of plants etisted ear ys intermediate in structure between the modern ferns tern of Cycaand the modern Gymnosperms (especially Cycads), dofiices.
Not only does exposure to heat sufficient to coagulate protein matter destroy life, by demolishing Life con- the molecular structure upon which life depends; but ditioned all vital activity, all phenomena of nutritive growth, by tern' movement and reproduction are possible only be- perature.
All the species already mentioned, except the black tern, have much the same general coloration species as " nostrati lingua sterna appellata."
On Camber Shore, Black Tern and 3 Little Tern roosting on the shore.
The Little Tern (Sterna albifrons) is one of Britain 's rarest breeding seabirds.
One of the first view from the hide was the arrival of two Common Terns settling on the newly repaired tern raft.
There is a common tern colony noted at the entrance to Imperial Dock, Leith Docks.
We also added a couple more tern species to our trip list.
Tern breeding populations can fluctuate among years owing to variations in the proportion of mature birds that attempt to nest.
Spring and autumn tern passage is always notable, in particular Black Terns which often visit in good numbers.
When people refer to the EyeClops night vision devices, they often use the tern goggles and binoculars interchangeably.
In, e.g., the Scottish and American episcopal churches, however, the metropolitan is the senior bishop pro tern.
The solution then freezes, until the heat liberated is enough to raise the tern perature to the point of equilibrium given by the tendency of the solution taken in contact with ice to approach the true freezing point on one side and the temperature of the enclosure on the other.
Unable to induce Burr to avow Federalist principles, influential Federalists, in defiance of the constitution, contemplated the desperate alternafive of preventing an election, and appointing an extra-constitutional (Federalist) president pro tern pore.
Willughby's Ornithologia (1676), however, the word tern is used for more than one species, and, though it does not appear in the older English dictionaries, it may well have been from early times as general a name as it is now.
It was, however, never so abundant as its smaller congeners, the so-called common and the arctic tern - two species that are so nearly alike as to be beyond discrimination on the wing by an ordinary observer, and even in the hand require a somewhat close examination?
It must suffice here to state that the most certain difference, as it is the most easily recognizable, is to be found in the tarsus, which in the arctic tern is a quarter of an inch shorter than in its kinsman.
He was a member of the Vermont House of Representatives in 1854, 1855, 1857, 1858 and 1859, acting for the last two years as speaker, and was a member and president pro tern.
In the evening we did a night watch on the Sooty Tern colony in Mars Bay to determine behavior patterns.
Two adjacent newline s indicate a null pat- tern.
Special contracts, known as colonie immovibili and colonie tern poranee are applied to the latifondi or huge estates, the owners of which receive half the produce, except that of the vines, olive-trees and woods, which he leases separately.
The more important places of northern Siam include Chieng Mai, the capital of the north, Chieng Rai, near the northern frontier; Lampun, also known as Labong (originally Haribunchai), the first Lao settlement in Siam; Lampang, Tern, Nan and Pre, each the seat of a Lao chief and of a Siamese commissioner; Utaradit, Pichai, Pichit, Pechabun and Raheng, the last of importance as a timber station, with Phitsnulok, Sukhotai, Swankalok, Kampeng Pet and Nakhon Sawan, former capitals of Khmer-Siamese kingdoms, and at present the headquarters of provincial governments.
Selby, properly belonging, at least in the Fame Islands, to the species known by the book-name of Sandwich tern, all the others being those called sea-swallows - a name still most commonly given to the whole group throughout Britain from their long wings, forked tail and marine habit.
The more common sea-birds are the Sula variegate or guano-bird, a large gull called the Larus modestus, the Pelecanus thayus, and the Sterna Ynca, a beautiful tern with curved white feathers on each side of the head.
This last is the beautiful roseate tern, Sterna dougalli; the other is the black tern, Hydrochelidon nigra, belonging to a genus in which the toes are only halfwebbed, of small size and dark leaden-grey plumage.