One serving for a limited time; short-term employee.
Not permanent; existing only for a period or periods of time.
Existing only for a short time or short times; transient, ephemeral.
The artificial breeze from the fan provided only temporary relief.
We will meet them soon at our temporary home.
Alex had made a temporary gate between the two fields.
Stopping by the employment office, she contracted for temporary help to put up the fence.
We knew it was but a temporary hibernation.
A temporary sensation entered her mind, as if a breeze ruffled through her thoughts.
Help your temporary mama keep her job, she said to the cat.
Howie's temporary absence eliminated the problem, at least for now; no trips back to a crime scene resulted in no tips to convey.
Iggy found a temporary solution to stop the spread, and I sealed the area around the town.
Lana walked back to the town and to the storefront that was her temporary home.
It did sound as if the Dawkins boys' temporary peace had come to an end, but Dean paid little heed to the raised voices.
No, but she said it was paper—you know, a temporary plate!
At St John's in Newfoundland he erected a temporary receiving antenna consisting of a wire 400 ft.
No other guests were due to arrive for a few days and with the housework up to date, thanks to the temporary help of Janet, the Deans decided to try out the fresh snow on the cross country trails on Red Mountain.
Two of the goats had gone into labor, so she transferred them to the building on the release side of the dairy, where they had set up temporary kidding stalls.
The movement of emigration may be divided into two currents, temporary and permanentthe former going chiefly towards neighboring European countries and to North Africa, and consisting of manual laborers, the latter towards trans-oceanic countries, principally Brazil, Argentina and the United States.
Children living in temporary accommodation or poor quality social housing are at greater risk of fire.
Maybe her feelings for Alex were nothing more than temporary infatuation.
Following on this he made an interesting experiment, using Morse's method, to connect the Isle of Wight telegraphically with the mainland, by conduction across the Solent in two places, during a temporary failure of the submarine cable in 1882 in that channel.
The state of every individual is unstable, temporary, sure to pass away.
The massive and richly decorated square tower in the centre of the west façade, which for centuries terminated in a temporary spire, was completed in 1890, according to the original plans, by the addition of an octagonal storey and a tall open spire (528 ft.), the loftiest ecclesiastical erection in the world, outstripping the twin spires of Cologne cathedral by 21 ft.
During the Civil War General Goring quartered his troops at Totnes, and Fairfax also made it his temporary station.
With suitable arrangements of iron and coil and a sufficiently strong current, the intensity of the temporary magnetization may be very high, and electromagnets capable of lifting weights of several tons are in daily use in engineering works.
The French king therefore found it easy to form a temporary alliance with Russell, Hollis and the opposition leaders, by which they engaged to cripple the king's power of hurting France and to compel him to seek Louis's friendship, - that friendship, however, to be given only on the condition that they in their turn should have Louis's support for their cherished objects.
At last, however, his temporary connexion with the college de Beauvais was ended by a feat of arms which proved him as stout a fighter with his sword as with his pen; and, since his victory was won over officers of the king's guard, it again became expedient for him to change his place of residence.
He gained a temporary victory when the diet of Augsburg in 1500 established a council of regency (Reichsregiment), and in 1502 persuaded the electors to form a union to uphold the reforms of 1495 and 1500.
The president-elect accordingly undertook with the full approval of Dr Moraes, who was still in office, the task of visiting Europe with the object of endeavouring to make an arrangement with the creditors of the state for a temporary suspension of payments.
The Ghibellines were on several occasions expelled from the city, and, even when a temporary reconciliation of the two parties allowed them to return, they failed to regain their former influence.
James, the Lord's brother, who, partly because of his relationship to Christ, stood supreme in the church at Jerusalem, as also Timothy and Titus, who acted as temporary delegates of St Paul at Ephesus and in Crete, are justly considered to have been forerunners of the monarchical episcopate.
A temporary loss of eyesight interfered with his canvass, and he was defeated by a small majority (1009), the campaign having been watched with the greatest interest throughout the country.
But there were those, including Bishop Colenso, who thought the treatment of the Amahlubi wrong, and their agitation induced the British government to recall Sir Benjamin Pine, Sir Garnet Wolseley being sent out as temporary governor.
Wooden or steel buckets, holding from 35 to 200 gallons, are employed only for temporary or auxiliary service or for small quantities of water in shallow shafts.
Their letters during temporary separations are most affectionate.
The Persian Government, thoroughly alarmed, took action, but with only temporary effect.
Two possible explanations of the phenomena of temporary stars have been held.
Human personality, we learn, is the temporary manifestation of a complex organization consisting of "seven principles," which are united and interdependent, yet divided into certain groups, each capable of maintaining temporarily a spurious kind GI personality of its own and sometimes capable of acting, so to speak, as a distinct vehicle of our conscious individual life Each "principle" is composed of its own form of matter, determined and conditioned by its own laws of time, space and motion, and is, as it were, the repository of our various memories and volitions.
After Constantinople became the capital of the empire Nicaea grew in importance, and after the conquest of Constantinople by the Crusaders became the temporary seat of the Byzantine emperor; the double line of walls with the Roman gates is still well preserved.
In 1526 the city was 'captured by the emperor Baber, the famous Koh-i-noor diamond being part of the loot; and it was here that Baber announced that his invasion was to be a permanent conquest, and not a mere temporary inroad.
This allows a temporary respite from any action by creditors.
A few years ago, the only temporary outdoor ice rink in the winter season was at Somerset House.
This instrument provided a temporary government for the Territory with the understanding that, as soon as the population was sufficient, the representative system should be adopted, and later that states should be formed and admitted into the Union.
It appears never to have been completed; and when Jean Baptiste Tavernier visited Dacca (c. 1666), the nawab was residing in a temporary wooden building in its court.
As a rule terrestrial spiders guard the cocoon in the permanent burrow, as in the trap-door spiders, or in the silken retreat which acts as a temporary nursery, as in the Salticidae.
The lake freezes usually at the end of December, or in the beginning of January, so solidly that a temporary post-horse station is erected on the ice in the middle of the lake, and it remains frozen till the second half of May.
Catulus vigorously opposed this, and a temporary compromise was effected.
Various climatic factors may cause temporary checks, but the growing and maturing period is sufficiently long to allow the plants to overcome these disturbances.
As regards the tariff he advocated, as a temporary stop-gap, the passing of the emergency tariff, which had been vetoed by President Wilson, but which with slight alteration was approved by Mr. Harding on May 27 1921.
The assizes may speak of patriarch and king as conjoint seigneurs in Jerusalem; but as a matter of fact the king could secure the nomination of his own patriarch, and after Dagobert the patriarchs are, with the temporary exception of Stephen in 1128, the confidants and supporters of the kings.
As has been said, however, the contention of the common law judges prevailed, and the Admiralty Court (except for a temporary revival under Cromwell) sank into comparative Modern in si insignificance during the r th century.
There are a score of cases of serious imprisonment, and a countless number of arrests and temporary detention.