The capability to communicate directly by psychic means; the sympathetic affection of one mind by the thoughts, feelings, or emotions of another at a distance, without communication through the ordinary channels of sensation.
The final type of psychic information received is telepathy.
Telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation and other psionic abilities will set humans apart from each other.
Recent experiments on telephone telepathy have given highly significant positive results.
Some may argue she used telepathy digging deep into my mind.
Toward the end of our visit, which lasted four hours, Uri tried some telepathy over the phone.
It's out there in Kozyrev space where the time flow assists telepathy.
He couldn't Travel yet, or even use his telepathy to order someone to come get him, so he jogged along the highway towards the heart of Miami, fuming in the early morning fog.
Fred O'Connor's gifted powers of telephone telepathy remained intact.
The counselor said the experience wasn't caused by telepathy but by a type of spirit called an incubus or a succubus.
It was about a creature sent to Earth on some unknown mission, who had mysterious powers including telepathy.
He used the old Silver Bag telepathy to gain himself a ' Fun With Water ' Water Uzi.
I don't know much about archaic combat, but I'm sure as hell that mass telepathy wasn't a factor.
What I am proposing is that the select minority of accurate OBE reports are simply cases of dream telepathy.
After the man told me he did telepathy on people, only a few more things happened.
Consider an experiment on psychokinesis in which a person attempts to influence the fall of a coin using mental telepathy.
Having touch telepathy makes her life one of constant exposure to others ' emotions.
It 's out there in Kozyrev space where the time flow assists telepathy.
I had no particular reason to suppose that Marion employed genuine telepathy in his stage work.
Telepathy or clairvoyance, with or without trance, must have operated powerfully to produce a conviction of the dual nature of man, for it seems probable that facts unknown to the automatist are sometimes discovered by means of crystal-gazing, which is widely found among savages, as among civilized peoples.
If the process commonly styled "telepathy" exists (see Telepathy), that may account for the scryer's power of seeing facts which are in the mind of the inquirer.
I do n't know much about archaic combat, but I 'm sure as hell that mass telepathy was n't a factor.
The actual show begins with one of Uri 's telepathy experiments.
As in the telephone telepathy tests, there was an expectation of 25% success by chance.
They are usually sentient, and can communicate with our heroes, either through verbalization (and thbey are often shown as wisecrackers), or mentally through a draconic telepathy.
The mind skills include far-seeing, fetching (making far-off things appear), far-speaking (broadcast telepathy) and so on.
Empathy, limited telepathy, precognition, and limited telekinesis are common among Lightbringers.
But when the scryers see details of various sorts, which are unknown to the inquirer, but are verified on inquiry, then telepathy perhaps fails to provide an explanation.
Lackey stretched the limits with her Heralds and Herald-Mages, with mere heralds having one or more talents such as telepathy or firestarting, and the herald-mages also being able to tap into the magical forces within the earth itself.
Between Bill's mesmerizing gaze and Sookie's telepathy, Sookie is able to punch through the darkness shrouding Tara's mind.