A telecommunications company, a telecom.
So I 'd rather see timecard program fewer restrictions on cable than more restrictions on telcos.
This Internet phone service is an excellent tool, suitable for use in-house or on the road, with about 56% cost savings when compared to traditional phone companies (telcos).
The company constantly upgrades its product, it can't currently offer guaranteed service quality like telcos, or any service-level agreements, but still has made an impact on business.
Using this phone service puts the world at your fingertips, especially in those parts of the world where the Internet is far more reliable and cheaper than the local telcos.
Telcos are watching, especially since Skype was acquired by eBay in September 2005 for $4.1 billion.
Your international callers can avoid their telcos long distance charges when you establish a Skype number in their country.
VoIP Phone Service has changed the way telcos now market and has also changed the aggressive counter measures traditional telcos are using to stem an eroding service base.
Telcos now want to assess emerging VoIP provides witjh additional charges for use of the Internet ISPs they claim they own or indirectly control.
VoIP providers counter that telcos already charge their existing customers for these services.
In fact, telcos are now shifting their marketing, providing VoIP-like services to small business, and merging with other companies to gain control of broadband.
Traditional telcos' vision of "customer service" will also need to change from the "you're just one account" to a realization that the one account voice can be heard worldwide through blogs and online Web sites.
Now there is decreasing space where telcos can hide their foibles and downright goofs.