A person between 13 and 19 years of age; an adolescent.
The moody teenager was back.
He seemed like a normal teenager, harmless with a name like Jonny.
They are close to being equal, with the exception that Jonny is a teenager and can't control his power yet.
She couldn't get over seeing a grown man acting like a teenager.
I did find out he was an older man, whatever that means to a teenager.
Impressed, Dusty wondered if Darian was beginning to grow out of his insolent teenager stage.
Maria was a wee bird of a woman—probably a teenager, Hispanic, and even shorter than Cynthia, who barely topped five feet.
She'd watched him go from a near-comatose state, through his teenager stage that nearly drove them all mad, to the gym-obsessed warrior trying to understand his place in the world.
Her scent still lingered in the air, and he could almost feel her hands on his body again, caressing him in a way that turned him from a god in control of himself into a fawning teenager.
In spite of the fact that she was now 32, she actually looked like a teenager.
You don't look old enough to have four children, let alone a teenager.
I was just a stupid teenager; mad as shit on my shoe at losing my best friend.
A funny, moving, imaginative leap into what life after death might be like for a teenager accidentally killed in a road accident.
It 's home to Donnie Darko, a brilliant but troubled teenager, plagued by terrifying visions which he alone knows the meaning of.
The Ace character was a troubled teenager from West London.
Teenager clothes catalogs bring the latest fashions into your home.
Find out in this cool cookbook - written by a teenager, for teenagers !
Henrietta first came in for treatment a very nervous teenager in the 1980s.
It 's always refreshing to see a contemporary horror movie that avoids the " post-modernist " disease that is the wisecracking know-it-all teenager.
He sang the doo wop ballad ' So Much In Love ', a song he wrote as a teenager.
Tina has evolved from a timid and kind child to a rambunctious and angsty teenager.
My admonitory tone of voice failed to convince my teenager to clean his room, so I grounded him for the weekend.
Now that my son is a teenager, he thinks everything I do is designed to annoy him.
While teenage boys are a notoriously difficult breed to satisfy, pleasing your teenager is easier once you have a sense of the brand names and styles.
That's why it's important to ask your teenager what he likes and what he wants to wear.
Having a set limit on the amount of money that you plan to spend in mind before you head down to the shop will help prevent the teenager from taking control of the situation -- and your purse.
Urban Outfitters will dress your teenager in teen boys' clothes that are stylish and cool with an urban edge befitting the company's name.
As long as your teenager is doing her best, that is all she can do.
A therapist can help you understand what to do and can see your teenager (if he agrees) to help him through this difficult time.
Find one in your nearby area and learn about what they have to offer your teenager.
At first blush, searching for the right teenager clothes can seem like a real chore!
A 2004 study of teenager drug abuse from the National Institute on Drug Abuse found 16.1 percent of students in 8th, 10th, and 12th grade had used illicit drugs in the month prior to the study.
While you may think of drugs like marijuana when you think of teenager drug abuse, there are actually numerous legal substances teens may use in an illegal manner.
When Katie was writing for the Teen Team she was, in fact, a teenager.
One of the best things you can do as a teenager is learn about the trends.
You never have to leave your home, or even your room when you have a teenager clothes catalog in front of you.
Anahita is a teenager growing up in early 20th Century Persia, and she has a major problem.
As a teenager in high school you are nearing the finish line in the "race" to becoming a young adult, but it's important to remember that growing-up is not a competition between friends, classmates and other teens in your community.
For parents dealing with teen drinking, it is important to remember that you were once a teenager and things aren't any easier for your children today than they were for you.
Talking to other parents and guardians about their experiences with troubled teens will also help you form a plan for confronting your teenager.
Understanding the pre teenager in your life can be a challenge.
The term pre-teen is used to describe those between the ages of 9 and 11, where the world still views them as a child while their eyes are set solely on the seemingly glamorous world of the teenager.
On the brink of adolescence, this age range can be a nightmare for both parent and the pre teenager himself/herself, and so it is important to understand the varying emotions, interests, and thoughts he/she is experiencing.
Giving your pre teenager a little more leash without setting them loose completely can be a fair compromise.
There are other characteristics that make up the pre teenager.
There is, unfortunately, no easy answer to this, and much depends on how you were raised, your family's personal values, and the personality & past track record of your pre teenager.
As a pre teenager gets older and starts really dating, it will most likely be habit and family tradition to bring the new interest over to meet the parents.
Or, perhaps you can always be like famous couples who wrote romantic letters all of their lives-but that doesn't sound very fun if you're a teenager!
Listen-Being a teenager can be an awkward time in anyone's life.
Not every teenager who indulges in drugs and alcohol and who is introverted mulls over the possibility of committing suicide.