Of, relating to, or involving technology, especially modern scientific technology.
I think the technological leap beyond the next one will take us to the stars.
Technological advance, however, is not limited in that way.
In technological chemistry it finds application as a reducing agent, e.g.
Ever-increasing wealth will be generated by ever-faster technological advances.
Imagine what we can do in the future with a thousand times more technological advancement.
The technological imperatives we were subjected to were few and far between.
Now with modern technological advances we can begin to see how.
For those who need to travel, and want to do so in high technological style, consider the Overland Tech Tote.
The album is a technological update of the first's score, utilizing many of the same motifs and industrial effects.
This is a hybrid role, combining business acumen with technological experience.
We make use of what other people consider undesirable technological side-effects.
Although most kids have very competent technological skills, listening to stories and books online helps expand the world of print media for kids and helps them realize that books are available in many different forms.
Since that time, cultural, technological and spiritual influences from neighboring systems have shaped and enriched the core elements of herbal medicine in the region, resulting in a complex and intricate medical system.
With the Terminator 2 soundtrack, Brad Fiedel creates appropriately effective electronic sounds that more than adequately represent the technological and apocalyptic horrors that take place on screen.
Also, if you prefer the technological route, you can order these soundtracks online, or even download them straight onto your computer!
The Wraith were the reason the human races spread throughout the Pegasus Galaxy remained at such a low level of technological advancement.
Typically a problem required a technological or clever solution and his heroes (which were, in the beginning, uniformly male) figured it out with a minimum of emotional angst and saved the day.
The series is set before the timeline of the original Star Trek series and explores the galaxy without many of the technological advancements or rules of conduct found in previous Star Trek series.
All this is done over a Lexicon, which is both magical and technological at the same time.
The explanations are a bit murky, but it seems that the problems are less technological than they are the fact that the project has been hijacked by a mysterious higher power, which is using Sam's leaps to fix what once went wrong.
If you know someone in the scientific or technological community, ask for referrals of professional and reputable websites and publications.
The issue of Godzilla's height makes for an excellent topic of discussion to examine whether the social and technological environment of a culture factor into what "size" an movie audience would consider extraordinarily large.
The novel extrapolated technological advances, powered by steam at the time, in the 1800s, leading to great changes.
In fact, technological progress and the resulting benefits those brought to communities were recognized as major advancements for all of humanity.
New innovations, often based on years of scientific research and technological advances, are introduced all the time.
The ability to remotely post updates to your Twitter page when you are mobile is an amazing technological achievement, and it opens up the door to a whole range of possible applications.
A number of organizations now recognize the effectiveness of podcasting in education and are working to promote this valuable technological tool throughout all aspects of student learning.
As with any technological tool or resource, when it's used for education it should be used in moderation and in a very focused manner.
The history of the technological advances in college football helmets as well as professional models are a popular topic for fans of the sport, as shown by an article from Popular Mechanics.
At the same time, with technological changes the roles for teens changed, moving beyond just farming to fabric arts, engineering, and many other fields.
In 2007 the Australian Sports Commission issued a report on the "sexploitation" of athletics, stating that the volleyball uniforms were not chosen "...for any technological, practical or performance-enhancing reasons."
As a testament to the current level of technological advancement in North Dakota, you only need to visit the website of the Information Technology Council of North Dakota (ITCND).
They use complicated mathematical formulas and technological processes to find relevant information any time someone performs a search.
Although designed especially for advanced theological studies, it comprises a School of the Sacred Sciences, a School of Philosophy, a School of Letters, a School of Physical Sciences, a School of Biological Sciences, a School of Social Sciences, a School of Jurisprudence, a School of Law and a School of Technological Sciences.
The Brains also brought technological advancement that-- A massive man passed her in the hall, and she stopped mid-thought to stare at him as he walked away.
Recent technological advances have refined the ability of pacemakers to mimic physiological cardiac conduction.
Either we find the nearly impossible, adequate response to mindless consumerism and accumulating technological power, or there is no hope.
Overall, the regulations, and technological achievements of manufacturers, have put a significant crimp in energy consumption.
The extraction and use of bog and red spring ores reflects not only technological but also cultural practices.
Furthermore, technological change in the IT goods and services markets is usually cumulative.
The prophets of technological determinism have been with us for some time.
These technological advances pave the way for increasingly dynamic and visually rich real-time 3D graphics experiences.
Thus, the contributors collectively conclude in their final chapter that technological change is a bit like Darwinian evolution.
Still, you can always tick the options box if you're endlessly fascinated with technological consumerism.
In his concluding chapter Rutsky analyzes contemporary technological fetishism.
Amid all of this Japan lost none of its appetite for technological gimmickry.
I know what really works, not just what's the latest technological gizmo.
In the era of new globalism, Finland can provide ideas for a dynamic leadership that will optimize technological and economic benefits.
Technological advance can affect this balance, with capital often impelled toward spatial deepening and widening.
Changing working practices and technological advances have made many jobs more inflexible and automated.