A group of one or more populations of an organism or organisms seen by taxonomists to form a unit.
Lake Prespa is rich with 24 endemic taxa, 13 fish species, six of which are endemic taxa, 13 fish species, six of which are endemic.
These sections have yielded an unexpectedly diverse vertebrate fauna, in comparison with previous work, with over twenty individual taxa present.
An estimated 176 waterfowl taxa are held in captivity in the British Isles including 40 of the threatened taxa.
The vast majority of taxa described are also illustrated with diagnostic line drawings.
Taxon sampling affects the relative rate estimate, with comparisons involving more closely related taxa resulting in a higher estimate.
User interfaces to this database allow searches for proteins containing specific combinations of domains in defined taxa.
The results of all these studies will be used to identify the most promising taxa for more detailed future evaluation in longer-term feeding trials.
A review was made of the validity and identification criteria for all taxa recorded from Indochina, based on herbarium and field work.
The ratio of disturbance sensitive taxa to insensitive taxa shows no signs of alteration from undisturbed levels.
However, to save space, notes and lists of related taxa are only included in the English pages.
The ratios of different taxa within the context classes are given in Figs.
The number of zooplankton taxa in the autumn was significantly higher than in other years.
The compositional trends are very marked at Tell Brak with certain cereal taxa dominating the assemblages.
The approach has been applied to about 2000 plant taxa in the UK.
A morphological character matrix was compiled for the fifteen terminal taxa.