To make taut; to tauten, to tighten.
Under tension, like a stretched bowstring, rope, or sail; tight.
(of a body, muscles, etc.) Not flabby; firm, toned; (of a person) having a lean, strong body.
(of music, writing, etc.) Containing only relevant parts; brief and controlled.
Experiencing anxiety or stress.
(of a sailor, a ship, etc.) Neat and well-disciplined; (by extension) efficient and in order.
Strong; uncompromising.
Now that the storm had passed, her taut muscles relaxed and she felt weak.
Across the room, Darkyn held the tension of a taut rubber band.
Dean leaned over and grasped the taut line that ran unseen over the edge.
His skin was smooth and warm, stretched taut over an athletic body.
She didn't remember his passion, the way he tasted and smelled and felt, or the movement of his muscles beneath taut, smooth skin.
To the web is attached a trap-line which when drawn taut holds the snare stretched and tight, and when relaxed loosens the whole structure so that the threads fall together.
The silence grew taut.
Our little boat confronted the gale fearlessly; with sails spread and ropes taut, she seemed to sit upon the wind.
The rope was taut with his evil weight and she could hear his movements as he carefully climbed down the sheer wall to his ice-bound lair below.
The principal tools of the Malays are the parang or golok, a heavy knife used in the jungle, without which no peasant ever stirs abroad from his house, the beliong or native axe, and the pisau Taut, which is used for scraping rattan.
Then if a pencil be placed along B C so as to keep the string taut, and the limb AB be slid along the directrix, the A pencil will trace out the parabola.
It was hard to keep her eyes from drifting downward, to the body that was nothing but muscle under taut bronze skin.
The back must be pulled as taut as possible.
His body was taut.
The thread is now stretched taut by a pencil, and the pencil moved; the curve traced out is the desired ellipse.
Not that I looked at her taut heaving bosom or anything like that.
The aim is to keep the tow rope taut.
Used on all our canvases, tension wedges keep the canvas taut over time.
Her blouse was white, stretched taut over her full figure.
Rather it still comes down on the side of Newton and the rope will become taut as the system spins.
As soon as the leash goes taut, turn back toward your house without a word.
The floss is pulled taut and passed between the teeth in a seesaw action, up and down.
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (1956) is a taut courtroom drama with an unforgettable twist in the tail.
Taut young muscles, supple limbs, senses instantly attuned to the slightest hint of threat.
She felt dwarfed and delicate next to the mass of roped muscle and taut skin.
You have a large ball of string, and walk round the equator, laying down a taut trail of string.
A very grown-up account of Vaughan Williams's Sixth Symphony followed, taut from beginning to end.
My skin had gone taut with the sheer iciness of it, and I felt chilled through to the marrow.
Hans maintains a taut composure in the face of Freisler's increasingly impatient questioning.
Keeping your arm slightly outstretched allows you to keep the line taut and clear of your hoses and tank.
The design also has a very taut inner tent with near-vertical walls to maximize the usable space.
There are moments of real promise and a reasonably taut pace all the way through.
Water is pumped out of the cylinders until the entire assembly lifts up in the water, pulling the tethers taut.
Renew those lost ties that do not hold the cover taut over the boat - loose covers collect water.
You can then make the fly taut by tugging on adjustable webbing buckles around the side.
The string is wound once around the billet and held taut by the thumb inserted in the looped end.
It is as nearly vertical as is reasonably practical and it is kept taut.
Ultimately 16 Blocks is a taut little thriller that goes the distance.
Clarity, freshness and taut rhythms were the hallmark of the Beethoven.
Jaguar 's first attempt at a compact executive is right on the money, combining taut handling with a smooth ride.
Standing Waves Standing waves can be produced with a taut string fixed at both ends.
Its also a taut, gripping, well-made film.
Pull the front of the diaper taut over the front of the baby, and seal each side with the tabs.
Check that the table surface is clean and free of bumps, tears and scratches, taut and smooth.
This is the piece that holds the strings taut.
To finish the vanity, you can cover the top with fabric, pulling it taut and securing it with a staple gun.
Make sure the material is taut and staple the material to the back of the headboard.
Beneath the stretched fabric, paper or plastic of your lampshade is wire frame holding the covering taut.
With your non-dominant hand, tug lightly on the outer edge of your lid, making it taut and allowing yourself to draw a straight line right where your lashes meet your lid.
Be sure to hold your lid taut for the smoothest line.