To make fun of (someone); to goad (a person) into responding, often in an aggressive manner.
The act of one who taunts.
He suspected she was taunting him.
She met his taunting gaze.
His friend Slowacki answered them in some taunting verses, and this led to a quarrel between the poets.
He couldn't imagine any childhood taunting that would have caused him to crawl into the earth through a cold, wet, and black hole.
That Barbaro was really the first to apply the lens to the camera obscura is supported by Marius Bettinus in his Apiaria (1645), and by Kaspar Schott in his Magia Universalis (1657), the former taunting Porta with the appropriation.
If someone else talks about you, your good friend will stick up for you and never join in on the taunting.
He also occasionally taunts the police and these scenes are funny, because Connors does the taunting in a really gentlemanly and polite fashion.
He is perhaps best known for his taunting of opponents-before, during, and after matches.
Get the look right the first time so you don't have to worry about taunting from classmates or coworkers.
It also had to have a lion that could seem to be convincingly talking, submitting to the White Witch's torture and taunting, and walking with child actors without eating them.
Luckily, the paparazzi were there to capture the whole shameful event for the cameras, taunting Brown, and saying, "Don't they know you're Bobby Brown?"
They also have elegant streamlined heads that allow them to easily slip out of a collar during a walk to run a few extra laps, or to get the last word in with that squirrel that has been taunting them.
If you break tackles, spin and juke, or perform any of the taunting moves (e.g., raise the roof, around the world, etc.), you accumulate these points, which after you reach a certain total, give you access to a "GameBreaker".
Night Trap for the Sega CD had a few scenes with girls in negligees taunting the main character.
He also occasionally taunts the police and these scenes are funny, because Connors does the taunts the police and these scenes are funny, because Connors does the taunting in a really gentlemanly and polite fashion.
At length Fox, in seconding a motion for confining the debate to its proper subject, burst into the fatal question beyond the subject, taxing Burke with inconsistency, and taunting him with having forgotten that ever-admirable saying of his own about the insurgent colonists, that he did not know how to draw an indictment against a whole nation.
You'll also see a monkey on a mini bike, a monkey taunting a man with beer, and so many others.
The four friends are ill-at-ease with each other, maintaining a distance until one by one they begin receiving taunting messages from a mysterious "A".
His tribe on All-Stars used this to their advantage by having him walk around taunting the other tribe.
Neither Leonardo's genius nor his noble manners could soften the rude and taunting temper of the younger man, whose style as an artist, nevertheless, in subjects both of tenderness and terror, underwent at this time a profound modification from Leonardo's example.
She had a feeling the doc would need his own pain meds if he kept taunting the two tense soldiers.