A form of Japanese verse in five lines of 5, 7, 5, 7, and 7 morae.
That is Japanese poetry (eta or tanka).
There is a small section at the back of the book about traditional Japanese tanka.
The translations are among the best of all modern tanka.
Many of these, of course, are in tanka form.
Also, as a rest from rhyme I enjoy syllabic forms like haiku and tanka.
However, well before this, tanka poetry had a sense of beauty which was very different from colorful spring and autumn scenes.
Ms Kato was aged 16 when she began to be noticed in tanka magazines.
Inspired by her success, Japan 's national broadcaster, NHK, aired its first keitai tanka program in 2002.
This new venture brings into sharp focus some of the best haiku and tanka writers writing in English today.
Shiki, known in America mainly as the first great modern haiku poet, also revolutionized tanka and short prose essays.
However, there are widely differing views about the right ways and wrong ways of writing tanka in English.
Inspired by her success, Japan's national broadcaster, NHK, aired its first keitai tanka program in 2002.
Its principal variety is the haikai, which is nothing more than a tanka shorn of its concluding fourteen syllables, and therefore virtually identical with the hokku, already described.