A kind of woolen, or woolen and cotton, cloth, often highly glazed, used for curtains, sieves, strainers, etc.
Little Tammy was so shy and inquisitive.
Giddon was silent, giving all his attention to his food, but Tammy watched Lisa with interest, twirling her fork in her eggs and squirming in her chair.
Both Sarah and Tammy were watching her.
Tammy regarded her suspiciously, ducking her head shyly.
She slid into the chair across from Tammy, and Sarah sat down at the other end of the table.
Lisa winked at her and Tammy ducked her head, smiling shyly.
The movement caught Giddon's attention and he glanced from Tammy to Lisa with a puzzled expression.
I need someone to take care of Tammy and help Mom with the house and garden.
Where is Tammy's mother?
She died when Tammy was born.
Has your mother always taken care of Tammy?
You know I love taking care of Tammy.
Tammy was well mannered and required little supervision.
Tammy could swim almost as well as Lisa, but Sarah couldn't swim at all, confessing unabashed that she was afraid of the water.
Tammy was finally allowed to swim to her heart's content... apparently for the first time.
On these occasions she took Tammy with her, and Lisa was left to enjoy her precious solitude.
One evening, close to suppertime, Lisa, Tammy and Sarah were lounging around the pool.
Do you want to watch Tammy?
Tammy was watching a children's show on television and Lisa was on the couch, trying to concentrate on her writing.
Her gaze fell on Tammy, who had fallen asleep on the couch.
His step was light as he crossed the room and gently lifted Tammy into his arms.
Tammy and Sarah were in the kitchen when she returned, and Tammy was standing in a chair ripping the cover off some chocolate chip cookies.
Tammy grinned up at her.
Tammy's tiny fingers coaxed a cookie from the package, giggled as she handed it to Lisa.
Tammy hurled herself across the room into his arms and started lavishing him with kisses and hugs that he returned with equal enthusiasm.
Sarah made an excuse of putting Tammy down for a nap and left them alone.
The destination of the path remained a burning mystery, but Tammy innocently tossed fuel on the flames with a chance comment one day while they were watching television.
Tammy eyed her suspiciously.
Sarah and Tammy were putting up groceries when Lisa announced she was going to take a walk.
Surely Sarah and Tammy weren't involved, but did they know?
Sarah would do whatever Giddon said, because he was her son... and Tammy had no choice.
If Giddon was involved in a drug ring, Tammy needed a way out.
Tammy and Sarah were eating a snack on the patio.
Without further argument, Sarah and Tammy left, and Lisa was alone.
Tammy burst through the door and saw Lisa sitting on the counter.
He took Tammy's tiny hand in his.
Lisa reached for Tammy's hand.
She died when Tammy was born, didn't she?
He took it harder than I thought he would, but being able to keep Tammy took the edge off it.
Lisa glanced down the hallway, but Yancey was still in Tammy's room.
So he hadn't been in Tammy's room all this time.
Mom and Tammy will be thankful.
I've already discussed my plans with Mom, and she's going to watch Tammy.
Tammy could have been born when he was very young.
What is it, Tammy?
He lifted Tammy into his arms.
Lisa turned her face away and hoped Tammy didn't notice her shoulders shaking as she laughed silently.
The thought must have occurred to Yancey as well, and he reassured Tammy in a voice choked with suppressed humor.
I thought you might want to go with Mom and Tammy.
She finished her breakfast with little conversation and saw Sarah and Tammy off to church.