A factory or other place of work where pay is low and conditions are poor or even illegal.
Fair trade practices do not allow the use of child labor, sweatshop type environments, or slave labor in foreign nations.
This week's writer, Robin Mukherjee, draws his main plot from the sensitive issue of child labor in an Asian sweatshop.
Those in the home sweatshop must work cheaper than those in the factory sweatshops.
We offer an alternative to mass produced, chemically infused, and sweatshop labor products.
You can go on a roving picket, or tour of shame of shops that sell goods made by sweatshop labor.
The most moving section of the book is based on Pilger 's investigation into sweatshop workers in Indonesia.
Some are soldiers, some are in sweatshop factories and in some countries girls have no education at all.
The sweatshop owner, often an immigrant himself, is usually " the most innocent one in the supply chain, " he says.
Should the EC let itself be undercut by competitors with sweatshop labor conditions?
Among the many reforms introduced under his guidance were a workmen's compensation law; a survey of occupational diseases with recommendations for health insurance; the elimination of the sweatshop; the establishment of a state industrial commission for dealing with questions of labour and capital; the provision of a minimum wage and a nine-hour day for women; mothers' pensions; ratification of the proposed woman suffrage amendment; the budget system for state expenditures; pure food laws; a " blue sky " law for protecting investors from unscrupulous promoters; the initiative and referendum; a Corrupt Practices Act; the indeterminate sentence for convicts; improvement of rural schools; the establishment of a state tuberculosis hospital and the extension of safety devices on railways and in mines.
And yet the future I envision is no more like what we have today than a state-of-the-art Volvo factory is like a nineteenth-century London sweatshop.
This week 's writer, Robin Mukherjee, draws his main plot from the sensitive issue of child labor in an Asian sweatshop.
I do know that some celebrities I know are wearing clothing that are made from organic products - because it helps the environment, or clothing that is made in "sweatshop free" factories, that don't engage in unfair labor practices.