Adventurous, exciting.
From alien sightings to terrifying Skeleton Ghost Pirates, spooks and scares lurk around every corner creating high seas hilarity and swashbuckling excitement.
Long gone are the days of swashbuckling pirates clanking swords.
There was plenty of swashbuckling action from pirates for the children to enjoy.
In this respect, the Doctor has a great deal in common with that other archetypal British swashbuckling hero, Mr Ben.
He then recovered to sixth in fairly swashbuckling style in race two, giving him 20 points a whole 40 behind Moore already.
Another interesting action packed, swashbuckling adventure game title from PlayLogic International, this game is based on the classic novel written by Raphael Sabatini.
For a swashbuckling good time, you may want to consider TradeWinds 2, available for download and purchase from any number of online video game publishers and websites, such as SpinTop-Games.
There aren't enough powerful female characters that make for great costumes, but a pirate queen is a popular costume that lets you show off your swashbuckling techniques in style.
Guy Williams, who starred as Dr. John Robinson, 'astrophysicist', was something of a heart-throb, having appeared in two movies and a TV series as Zorro, swashbuckling masked Robin-Hood-of-the-West.
If Captain Kirk was a swashbuckling risk-taker (and he was), it could be argued that he was an appropriate choice to captain an exploratory vessel in an Age of Exploration.
It was the name of a classic Western starring Robert Mitchum and the title of a book about the swashbuckling hero "The Scarlet Pimpernel" by Baroness Orczy.
But above all itâs a swashbuckling tale of pirating which doesnât take itself too seriously.