A medicine in the form of a small plug that is inserted into a bodily cavity, especially the rectum, vagina or urethra, where it melts at body temperature.
Some sufferers from constipation find that they get greater relief from salts dissolved in water, or from natural aperient water taken on rising in the morning, and others again find that the best way of opening the bowels is to inject one or two drachms of glycerine into the rectum, or use it as a suppository.
If you feel your body wanting to push the suppository out, try to resist.
While most drugs are taken by mouth (orally) some are given by suppository or by injection.
If motions are hard and difficult to void, try inserting a glycerol suppository to reduce straining.
Gently but firmly push the suppository into the rectum, pointed end first.
A simple way of getting round this is to take the drugs in suppository form.
For internal problems, the powder can also be turned into a suppository or enema.
Spermicides come in foam, cream, gel, suppository, or as a thin film.
It may be used in drugs taken orally or by suppository.
For this purpose it is very largely used either as a suppository or in the fluid form (one or two drachms).
The chief use of hard soap is in enemata, and as a suppository in children suffering from constipation; it also forms the basis of many pills; given in warm water it forms a ready emetic in cases of poisoning.
The vaccine was administered via a vaginal suppository.