Magnificent, luxurious, splendid.
A sumptuous banquet took place, followed by a distribution of doles and garlands.
His palace was more sumptuous than the temples of the gods, from which it was quite separate.
The staircase, the chapel and the theatre are especially sumptuous.
Antioch, adorned with many sumptuous buildings, as the chief town of the provinces of Asia, became in point of size the third city of the empire and an eastern Rome.
The later Rabbis wore most sumptuous apparel, and were crowned until the death of Eliezer ben Azarya.
Dados of relief-sculpture run round the inner walls; this feature seems to have been common to Hittite buildings of a sumptuous kind, and accounts for most of the sculptured blocks that have been found, e.g.
The dinner menu features eight sumptuous entrees, including eggplant-based vegetarian pasta.
One of the principal monuments of Hadrian's munificence was the sumptuous library, in all probability a vast rectangular enclosure, immediately north of the New Agora, the eastern side of which was explored in 1885-1886.
When the peace of the Church permitted it, they were enshrined in chapels and often in sumptuous basilicas.
The expense of keeping up his mercenary establishment and the sumptuous magnificence of his court put a severe strain upon the financial resources of the state.
Ros provided a sumptuous feast including copious strawberry meringues and sarnies to die for.
With the combined genius of Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, the fashion designs are unashamedly sexy and created form the most sumptuous fabrics.
It is composed of a circlet of pure gold set with pearls and precious stones in great profusion, which gives it a most sumptuous appearance.
However carefully the preliminary rites of embalmment and burial might have been performed, however sumptuous the tomb wherein the dead man reposed, he was never- The soul.
Casa de Carmona appears to be a sumptuous Spanish palace.
For bedding, indulge yourself in sumptuous fabrics with inviting colors and textures.
After four days Holofernes, smitten with her charms, at the close of a sumptuous entertainment invites her to remain within his tent over night.
Or a sumptuous picnic using delicious Scottish produce in a remote mountain bothy.
The day was rounded off with a sumptuous Malaysian feast with a local family.
The entrance from the stair landing is of a heavy and sumptuous Jacobean style with thick tapering pilasters.
In 1912, in collaboration with his wife, he published as a sumptuous folio, with reproductions of the illustrations of the first edition (1556), an English translation of Agricola's De Re Metallica.
It was decorated in the most sumptuous fashion, and like the chapel, served by thirty-five priests, was furnished with a profusion of golden ornaments.
Also, you need to be treated to a sumptuous banquet at least once a week.
The film is erotic, dangerous and features sumptuous cinematography, as each frame features an endless amount of detail.
Make use of the many on board facilities, before a sumptuous five-course dinner is served in the restaurant.
Soft, 100% silk creates a sumptuous feel and the smooth waistband has a silk drawstring detail to ensure an incredibly comfortable fit.
We have sumptuous garnitures for our Life, but have forgotten to live in the middle of them.
Following the take-over of Gray's in 1960, Susan used the malachite transfers to create a sumptuous range of richly guilded ornamental pieces.
Fortrey created an expensive and sumptuous home that was extravagantly decorated with strapwork, magnificent molded plasterwork and detailed paint schemes.
You can unwind in our comfortable lounge bar with a pre-dinner drink or relax in our delightful drawing room after a sumptuous repast.
Adams had truly become a samurai, forgoing his English attire for sumptuous silk kimonos.
Chunky thickness (55m per 100g skein) Knit by hand or weave into sumptuous hats, scarves and jumpers.
His sumptuous improvisations evoke the spirit of the townships, where music, politics & personal experiences have a great influence on the people.
In sheer striped tulle with sumptuous lace embroidery around the neckline, it has a central ribbon detail and dainty shoulder straps.
His surfaces are rich and sumptuous and he uses varied interwoven elements such as fabrics and flowers in his work.
In Portugal, glorious views, gardens and pools, sumptuous modern villas with access to superb sports facilities and beautiful beaches.
He bought a vigna in the Borgo near the Vatican, and thereon erected a sumptuous palace after designs by Bramante; and it was here, in the summer of 1503, that he entertained the pope and Cesare Borgia at a banquet that went on till nightfall despite the unhealthy season of the year, when ague in its most malignant form was rife.
The palaces of the Genoese patricians, famous for their sumptuous architecture, their general effectiveness (though the architectural details are often faulty if closely examined), and their artistic collections, were many of them built in the latter part of the 16th century by Galeazzo Alessi, a pupil of Michelangelo, whose style is of an imposing and uniform character and disphiys marvellous ingenuity in using a limited or unfavourable site to the greatest advantage.
Throw rugs or sumptuous carpets can each have a different effect.
Highlights of Castle Coole include the state rooms with their sumptuous Regency furnishings.
Enjoy your first week of wedded bliss in the sumptuous surroundings of elegant Scottish country house hotels.
Many of these patterns include sumptuous floral prints like Bloomfield, Cassandre, Juliette, Cherrington, Queens Gate, Serafina, or Melrose.
Cruise ship cabins are adequate for passengers' needs, but are unlikely to feature sumptuous bonuses unnecessary to the destination.
From collar to hem, what grabs, and holds, the attention is the sumptuous, deep, chocolate brown color!
You'll feel downright sumptuous in this contrasting gold and black look.
Furnished with a fine antique bed and French armoire the room is decorated with lime wash of the original color and sumptuous fabrics.
Her range includes sumptuous silk wraps, elegant throws, warm winter velvet scarves and silk sarongs for the beach.
We chose to eat from the extremely sumptuous buffet of some 50 dishes.
He 's having sumptuous, juicy shrimp tacos made with shrimps just dropped off by the sun-beaten fisherman, I 'm having jack cheese.
Enjoy superb cuisine, relax in the sumptuous lounges, library or sunny conservatory or by the sparkling swimming pool.