The fatty tissue that surrounds and protects the kidneys; that of sheep and cattle is used in cooking and in making tallow.
A suet lid seals the pudding, which is then steamed.
If you're going to decorate a tree that is outside, use pinecones, peanut butter, and suet to make edible ornaments for the birds.
Sussex Pond Pudding A Sussex Pond pudding has a steaming suet crust which encases a whole lemon with golden buttery sugar syrup.
Make it the same way, but add a few currants to the suet dough, and leave out the lemon completely.
I arrived feeling like a lardy suet pudding past its sell-by date, & went away feeling like an organic fresh fruit salad!
Clean currants and raisins, chop suet finely, cut candied peel fine, beat eggs well.
Put the meats into a large bowl and add the suet, breadcrumbs, lemon zest, nutmeg and herbs.
I find the perfect solution is to cook the apple and melt the suet in separate saucepans before adding them to the remaining ingredients.
A vegetarian variety can be made by using vegetable suet.
Cornwall is perhaps best known for its pasties a savory dish made from pastry containing suet.
Considering how some people opt for vegetarian suet, it is now even possible to eat mincemeat which contains no meat at all.
Nowadays, the only meat based ingredient is beef suet.
I, 3); he attacked the Commentaries of Julius Caesar, accusing their author of carelessness and credulity, if not of deliberate falsification (Suet.
In the case of those animal fats which are intended for edible purposes, such as lard, suet for margarine, the greatest cleanliness must, of course, be observed, and the temperature must be kept as low as possible in order to obtain a perfectly sweet and pure material.
Line a pudding basin fairly thickly with ¾ of the suet crust.
He occasionally offers her a morsel of food, which she takes, tho she is often on the sunflower hearts and suet feeders.
Line a 1 liter (2 pint) pudding basin or 4 individual basins with suet paste.
They are actually designated by Theodosius, " servi terrae cui nati suet."