To summon with a subpoena.
Le Caron was subpoenaed by The Times, and in the witness-box the whole story came out, all the efforts of Sir Charles Russell in cross-examination failing to shake his testimony, or to impair the impression of iron tenacity and absolute truthfulness which his bearing conveyed.
Spitzer has already subpoenaed similar documents from the major record labels.
The company has been subpoenaed by a federal grand jury in the state, and says it is cooperating fully with all investigations.
In 1829 Smith was subpoenaed as a witness in a bankruptcy case, as described below in a newspaper report.
You cannot withdraw charges laid by the police and you most probably will be subpoenaed to testify against the abuser.
The builder who carried out the works was subpoenaed to appear.
Karen refuses to let her mother be subpoenaed to give evidence, so the final day of her trial goes ahead without her.
After the news broke about the massive number of prescription drugs in his possession before his death, Corey Haim's doctors were subpoenaed by authorities.
Monmouth was now subpoenaed to give evidence at the trial of young Hampden.