To forcibly impose obedience or servitude upon.
Charles determined to subjugate the island and sailed with his fleet for Messina.
After the Austrian victories King Ferdinand sent a Neapolitan army of 20,000 men under Filangieri to subjugate the island.
Henry asked for permission to invade and subjugate Ireland, in order to gain absolute ownership of that isle.
Then the king attempted to subjugate Egypt, but two expeditions were unsuccessful, and, in consequence, Sidon and the other Phoenician towns, and the princes of Cyprus, rebelled against Persia and defeated the Persian generals.
Such a society needs to subjugate others, to establish some visible superiority.
He could not come in His unveiled divinity, for the "hells" would have then perished, whom he did not seek to destroy but only to subjugate.
The aim is to totally subjugate this strategic region, with its rich oil and gas deposits, to US will.
Fortunately for Iraq, Saddam has failed miserably in his attempts to fully subjugate the people of Iraq.
These Norman castles gave the Normans of 1066 power bases from which they could subjugate the English population.
However, it does not change his view that the Israelis have deliberately used their huge army to continually subjugate the Palestinians.
This myth suited the British, because they were constantly working to subjugate the Irish and whipping up sentiment against them helped keep the population anxious to see the Irish "tamed.
By his political sagacity and moderation Manfred won a strong party to his side and helped Conrad to subjugate the rebellious barons.
Conn O'Neill (c. 1480-1559), 1st earl of Tyrone, surnamed Bacach (the Lame), grandson of Henry O'Neill mentioned above, was the first of the O'Neills whom the attempts of the English in the 16th century to subjugate Ireland brought to the front as leaders of the native Irish.
In spite of his power and influence, his position as a leader of the Guelphs was greatly shaken during the latter years of his reign, while at home he was never able completely to subjugate his rebellious barons.
The attempt of the Liberals to subjugate the Church had given to the Papacy greater power than it had had since the time of Wallenstein.
In 1895 the amir's troops entered Kafiristan, a wild mountainous tract on the north-east, inhabited by a peculiar race that had hitherto defied all efforts to subjugate them, but were now gradually reduced to submission.
Aghrem Baba Saad, a small ruined town to the west of Ghardaia, is the fortified post in which the Beni-Mzab took refuge when the Turks under Salah Rais (about 1555) attempted unsuccessfully to subjugate the country.
Cesare, who renounced his cardinalate, was sent on a mission to France at the end of the year, bearing a bull of divorce for the new king Louis XII., in exchange for which he obtained the duchy of Valentinois (hence his title of Duca Valentino) and a promise of material assistance in his schemes to subjugate the feudal princelings of Romagna; he married a princess of Navarre.
Since the reconquest of Yemen by the Turks, they have made repeated attempts to subjugate Asir, but beyond occupying Kanfuda, and holding one or two isolated points in the interior, of which Ibha and Manadir are the principal, they have effected nothing.
He disclaimed any intention to invade, subjugate or oppress 1 Without Lincoln's knowledge or consent, the managers of his candidacy before the convention bargained for Cameron's votes by promising to Cameron a place in Lincoln's cabinet, should Lincoln be elected.
Darius and Xerxes were repulsed in their efforts to subjugate the Greek Peninsula, and Alexander the Great conquered their successor Darius III.