Region immediately outside of the Arctic Circle or regions similar to these in climate or conditions of life.
Of, relating to, or characteristic of the subarctic.
In the subarctic regions, changes are obvious as large areas of permafrost begin to melt and ice-free sea passages increase.
From Labrador it ranges to the southern shores of Hudson's Bay and to those of the Great Bear Lake, and to the valley of the Yukon and the coast of Alaska, forming with the aspen, the larch, the balsam poplar, the banksian pine, the black and white spruces and the balsam fir, the great subarctic transcontinental forest; and southward it ranges through all the forest region of the Dominion of Canada and the northern states."
The fauna of Poland belongs to the middle European zoological group; within the historical period it has lost such species as formerly gave it a subarctic character.