Any member of the genus Styrax of about 130 species of large shrubs or small trees, mostly native to temperate or tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
It contains about 20% of cinnamic acid in addition to 18 or even more of benzoic. (3) Palembang benzoin, an inferior variety, said to be obtained from Styrax benzoin in Sumatra, consists of greyish translucent resinous masses, containing small white opaque tears.
Benzoin was formerly obtained almost exclusively from Sumatra from the Styrax benzoin.
The apple, pear, cherry and plum thrive well in the north; the orange, lemon, citron and sugar-cane in the south; styrax and mastic in the south-west; and the wheat lands of the Sivas vilayet can hardly be surpassed.
Simplocus - A group of shrubs or low trees allied to Styrax, only one of which is of any importance in our gardens.