An environmental condition or influence that stresses (i.e. causes stress for) an organism.
Debt is a major stressor for many Americans.
It usually occurs between 2 weeks and 4 months following the stressor.
For C the motivation to study was created by the need to escape the effects of the external stressor.
Because exercise is a physical stressor to the body, the brain compensates by increasing deep sleep.
Unfortunately, the position we are in often precludes us from physically confronting, or running from, a particular stressor.
Fortunately, dealing with this stressor isn't as difficult as you might believe it is.
If you can't make a stressor go away or if you have too many overwhelming you, delegate your responsibilities to others.
Chances are it's not an individual stressor making you feel uptight, it's the accumulation of them.
Sometimes when you are stuck in an environment that has caused you a great deal of stress - even if the stressor is no longer present - your mind continues to believe there is a threat and will not allow you to relax.
These acts are a way for you to release tension as you're dealing with a stressor.
Using a stress ball puts your mind to work on something other than the stressor, without you even realizing it.
To do this, your body goes through several procedures to motivate you to act on a stressor, such as increasing your blood pressure or heart rate and tensing your muscles.
In these cases, you need to take care of yourself the best you know how until the stressor is gone.
Even though you're not able to remove the stressor from your life, there are things you can do to help your body's response to it.
In its broadest terms, the definition of work stress is any type of stressor directly related to one's workplace, coworkers, type of job, and similar employment characteristics.
For you, it might be a financial stressor or aggravating coworkers, while someone else may feel overworked and underappreciated.
The diversion of your attention away from the stressor, even for a short time, allows your mind and body to relax providing you with much needed and immediate stress relief.
Instead of being a stress buster, tobacco use acts as a stressor on the heart and the circulatory system.
In order to be classified as an adjustment disorder, these symptoms must be shown to be a response to an identifiable stressor that has occurred within the past three months.
It is normally a time-limited condition with manifestations arriving almost immediately after the appearance of the pressure-causing event and resolving within six months of the elimination of the stressor.
Adjustment disorders can be caused by almost any stressor and manifest a wide variety of symptoms, while PTSD is normally associated with severe stress-causing life events and has a more specific set of symptoms.
The degree of aggression expressed must be out of proportion to any provocation or other stressor prior to the incidents.
The baby's response to this stressor reveals significant information regarding available oxygen stores.
A child may exhibit antisocial behavior in response to a specific stressor (such as the death of a parent or a divorce) for a limited period of time, but this is not considered a psychiatric condition.
For a child, the stressor may not be just a single event, but may occur in response to what a child may perceive as excessive demands from an authoritarian or an overbearing parent.
Children are a stressor for any relationship.
For B, the inhibitor to study was the secondary external stressor.
This " break in " was for him a most severe and extreme intrusive stressor.
As many as 25 percent of children have relapses after they have been dry at night for six months or longer, usually due to a temporary stressor.