The act and skills of presenting stories and tales.
To include mime, movement, facial expression skills Storytelling into drama - " The Living Wood " .
This darkly comedic crime thriller from director Anthony Hickox demonstates a knack for set pieces that doesn't carry over into his general storytelling.
Note that storytelling tapes need truly talented readers and really good stories, not TV spinoffs.
As a written example of storytelling, the reader would not meet the storyteller and would read the story as a solitary piece.
The Society for Storytelling can help with names in your area, or you could organize a trip to hear an acclaimed storyteller.
Very young kids will be read to, but make them feel part of storytelling by asking them simple questions as you go along the story, such as "What color is the house?" or "Does he look happy or sad?"
I look at music as storytelling -- it's a merger of text and music.
Storytelling Cruises--Professional storytellers teach passengers about the culture of Native Americans, who used to live along the Mighty Mississippi, and give tours of hallowed Civil War sites located along the historic waterway.
It includes supervised kid-friendly activities, including finger painting, swimming and storytelling.
Testimonials on the site detail the fabulous storytelling of the Egyptologists who go along for the ride.
Storytelling recorded on video or audio - Residents may be able to narrate stories from their own pasts.
When I do turn to a computer or console game, I prefer mindless entertainment over complicated storytelling or fighting sequences.
If there's one thing the game gets right, it's the visuals and great storytelling complimented by the innovative use of animated comic panels during cutscenes.
From panto to storytelling, carols to christmas tales, you're sure to find something to get you in the festive mood.
School children can enjoy the pleasure of a storytelling session with the added association of their football heroes.
The Boy Scouts know a thing or two about camping, so why not tap over a century of campfire storytelling to prepare for your next outing?
Storytelling at this age is seldom an intentional effort to deceive.
Children of the 1980s will vividly remember Teddy Ruxpin, the storytelling Teddy Bear that enchanted kids and brought them hours of companionship.
Spin-offs for Teddy Ruxpin included a cache of hand and finger puppets, designed to be used with the storytelling.
Numerous collected works offer men and women a chance to enjoy the imagery and storytelling.
Autobiographies also tend to have a less focused "theme" in the storytelling, and usually cover an extensive amount of time that starts with the author's birth.
Instead of being limited by the inverted pyramid structure used in a typical news story, feature writers have the freedom to experiment with more creative storytelling techniques.
Forty years of storytelling and over a hundred characters of loving, living and leaving are hard to encapsulate.
Essentially, this type of RPG is a group game of "let's pretend" and calls on the active imaginations and storytelling skills of all of the players.
As you can see, there are a variety of role playing games that your children can play to stimulate their storytelling skills and increase their imaginations.
Spring break activities often include storytelling, circus activities, laser light shows, and more.
Another category of ghost stories that make terrific campsite storytelling are those stories that no one is sure whether or not are really true.
Modern myths and urban legends often blur the line between what is truth and what is purely imagination or good storytelling.
Storytelling changed with the advent of television.
In over forty years of storytelling, generations of new Hortons, their spouses and love interests, and their friends and enemies have come to the fictional community of Salem.
Cast members of DOOL are often challenged by multiple character studies that are the hallmark of the soap's storytelling.
During February 2007, General Hospital happenings were in high demand as the soap emulated a 24 style of storytelling involving hostages in the Metro Court hotel.
Spoilers by their very nature 'spoil' the act of storytelling by providing the end result before the tale is completed.
The sweeps stunts, often favored by rival General Hospital are gradually creeping into the storytelling on Y&R, yet it remains the highest rated daytime drama.
Since the mid-1980s, the Abbott and Newman families have dominated the spoilers, central storytelling and fan interest.
Fans of The Young and the Restless enjoy tuning in to the episodes that air each day for many reasons, ranging from the characters to the storytelling to the direction and cinematography.
Many soap opera fans love to interact about where they want their favorite 'story' to go, and they are vehement in their opposition when roadblocks, obstacles or poor storytelling get in their way.
The distinction of serialized storytelling is that the stories are about the people and their conflicts with others, the environment and themselves.
The shows had a conclusive season opening and season finale, thus the storytelling would come more in bigger chapters than in ongoing byplay that could come to a head at anytime.
His heart medication helped him to regulate his heart problems until his pharmacist (seriously new twist in storytelling) tampered with his medication.
Masterful storytelling and keeping the beats fresh and going is what episodes of The Young and the Restless is all about.
The tempestuous relationship between Todd and Blair produced two children and years of compelling storytelling.
The powerful storytelling method continues to grow in popularity around the world.
The opening lyrics invite viewers into the atmosphere of the sultry Louisiana bayous that provide the backdrop for True Blood's steamy storytelling.
Fans and script writers enjoy poring over scripts for episodic shows such as Degrassi the Next Generation in order to understand pacing and storytelling format.
While the series is based on the Sara Shepherd novels, the ABC Family version takes some liberties with the storytelling.
The series employs an interesting storytelling format, as each episode after the pilot is named after a popular song or album.
Choosing the best stories after 43 years of storytelling is an impossible task. Fans will all have their favorites, but many One Life To Live storylines were notable for their risk taking elements and gritty realism.
One Life to Live challenged its audience with fantastic risks in storytelling.
The "Kids for All Seasons" camp is operational every day and takes kids on exciting adventures around the resort, including water sports, tennis lessons and storytelling.