A person who buys and sells shares (stock) on a stock exchange on behalf of clients. May also provide investment advice and/or company information, depending on the level of service offered (or chosen by the client).
Both protests were joined by the Socialist stockbrokers, and in the City of London people vacuumed up after capitalism!
I knew typesetters who said computers would never duplicate their quality; travel agents who said the Internet would never replace them, and whose stockbrokers reassured them this was true.
Thus not only bleachers, carriers, chemical manufacturers, mill furnishers and accountants find their way there, but also tanners, timber merchants, stockbrokers and even wine merchants.
Our clients range from large international investment banks to independent private client stockbrokers and corporate finance advisory boutiques.
Examples of Investment Companies include stockbrokers and investment fund managers.
A number of private client stockbrokers also hold our shares on behalf of discretionary clients.
The Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers APCIMS is the trade association for the private client investment managers and stockbrokers APCIMS is the trade association for the private client investment managers and stockbrokers.
Both protests were joined by the Socialist Stockbrokers, and in the City of London people vacuumed up after capitalism !
You can also deal in SIPP eligible funds from Barclays Stockbrokers Funds Market.
The Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers APCIMS is the trade association for the private client investment managers and stockbrokers.
It has advantages in the absence of stamp duty, stockbrokers ' commissions and capital gains tax liability.
Stockbrokers deal exclusively with stock market investments, though specialized brokers may also provide assistance with more diverse investment portfolios.