A medical instrument used for listening to sounds produced within the body, often combined with a sphygmomanometer
To auscultate, or examine, with a stethoscope.
During the physical exam, the child's blood pressure is measured, and a stethoscope is used to listen to sounds made by the heart and blood flowing through the arteries.
The physician will listen to the child's chest with a stethoscope for specific sounds that indicate lung inflammation, such as moist rales and crackling, and wheezing, that indicate airway narrowing.
You can also buy a toy stethoscope and play ' going to the hospital ' with the child.
Another hot plus size nurse costume is at Costumes Inc.. It features a low-cut white mini-dress with red trim, a shiny red waist-cincher, a matching hat and a stethoscope.
He or she will also place the stethoscope over the child's abdomen; when renal vein thrombosis is present, the doctor may hear an abnormal "whooshing" as blood tries to flow through the blocked vessel.
Use a stethoscope to listen to the sound of the heart valves closing.
Then, the air is let out of the cuff while a stethoscope placed over the artery is used to detect the sound of the blood spurting back through the artery.
Any decent service department should be able to listen to the turbo by using an electronic stethoscope with a metal probe on the end.
Used in PA catheter (allows continuous measurement) and oesophageal stethoscope.
A precordial stethoscope and a finger on the pulse is compulsory.
Keep your finger on the patient 's pulse during the entire induction, or better still have a pediatric stethoscope attached to his chest.
Heart-Your doctor will listen to your infant's heart using a stethoscope.
Lungs-Using a stethoscope, your pediatrician will listen to your baby's breathing patterns.
Heart murmurs can be heard when a physician listens to the heart through a stethoscope during a regular physical exam or check-up.
Prior to electronic gadgetry a special stethoscope was used, called a fetoscope, which is rarely seen as of 2004 because it requires more skill to use.
The physician uses a stethoscope to listen to sounds made by the heart and blood flowing through the arteries.
Prior to the use of EFMs, nurses and doctors periodically monitored the baby's heartbeat manually by placing a stethoscope on the mother's abdomen.
Moist rales is a bubbling sound heard with a stethoscope that is caused by fluid secretion in the bronchial tubes.
When a doctor listens with a stethoscope to the abdomen of a child suffering from ileus, there will be few or no bowel sounds, indicating that the intestine has stopped functioning.
This murmur is usually heard by the doctor using a stethoscope.
Diagnosis is most often made by detecting the characteristic "machinery" heart murmur heard by a doctor through a stethoscope.
Wheezing is often very obvious, but mild asthmatic attacks may be confirmed when the physician listens to the patient's chest with a stethoscope.
During the physical exam, the pediatrician will listen to the patient's chest with a stethoscope to evaluate distinctive breathing sounds.
Using a stethoscope, a physician can detect the sound of a pulse in the affected vein (bruit).
Kids can also listen to the puppy's heartbeat with the stethoscope.
She's dressed as a veterinarian and contains basic care items for pets, as well as her own stethoscope and doctor bag.
The ideal costume is a tight white dress, preferably short and low-cut, white seamed stockings, a little white hat and a stethoscope.
It includes a low-cut white halter mini-dress with red trim and a convenient zip-up front, a matching headpiece and a stethoscope.
Add a stethoscope and fishnet stockings.
It's a red and white Spandex mini-dress with lace-up and ribbon detail, matching hat and stethoscope.
A stretchy satin mini-dress that zips up the front with a 2-way zipper, matching hat, white fishnet pantyhose and stethoscope.
Laennec attached undue importance to the use of the stethoscope, and laid too much weight on specific signs of specific diseases; otherwise his method in its main features has remained unchanged.
The night inspector carries with him a stethoscope, often consisting merely of his steel turning-rod, with which he sounds the whole of the outside stop-cocks, but only closes those through which the -sound of water is heard.
In 1816, we got the stethoscope.
Asbestosis diagnosis Diagnosis involves the doctor listening with a stethoscope placed over the lungs to listen for abnormal sounds called crackles.
The doctor may note chest retractions with breathing and may hear wheezing and decreased breath sounds when listening to the chest with a stethoscope.
This is the most important assessment and can be determined by auscultation with a stethoscope or palpation at the junction of the umbilical cord and skin.
The doctor listens with a stethoscope for wheezing and other abnormal lung sounds in the patient's chest.
Other symptoms include high blood pressure or a "whooshing" sound heard by the physician when he or she places a stethoscope on the abdomen.
The doctor will listen to the child's heartbeat with a stethoscope.
The method of auscultation was soon introduced into England by pupils of Laennec. John Forbes (1787-1861) in 1824, and William Stokes (1804-1878) of Dublin in 1825, published treatises on the use of the stethoscope.
Remove hearing aids and use acoustic or amplified stethoscope.
Did he put a stethoscope up to the wall, or what?
Keep your finger on the patient's pulse during the entire induction, or better still have a pediatric stethoscope attached to his chest.
In this project a listening device, the ' smart stethoscope ' was developed.
The monaural stethoscope may be placed over the brachial artery and used for measuring blood pressure.
It is heard through a stethoscope by a physician.
The fantasy of the hot Florence Nightingale who will do anything to satisfy her patients runs deep, so even just a little hat and stethoscope may be all you need to set the mood.
On examination of the heart rhythm using a stethoscope, infants with coarctation of the aorta usually have an abnormal "gallop" heart rhythm, and 50 percent of children also have heart murmurs.