As early as 1573, Thomas Digges had suggested that this theory should necessitate a parallactic shifting of the stars, and, consequently, if such stellar parallaxes existed, then the Copernican theory would receive additional confirmation.
The moon was the earliest " measurer " both of time and space; but its services can scarcely have been rendered available until stellar " milestones " were established at suitable points along its path.
In 1882 Pritchard commenced a systematic study of stellar photometry.
In 1876 he successfully applied photography to the study of the ultra-violet region of stellar spectra.
The final stage of stellar evolution depends upon star size.
Now it is necessary to bear in mind that all observed motions are relative; and, especially in dealing with stellar motions, it is arbitrary what shall be considered at rest, and used as a standard to which to refer their movements.
I'm just feeling magnanimous after my stellar performance with the socialite.
If she wants cheerleaders with stellar tumbling skills, make sure you're practicing your tumbling runs.
Spiral nebulae have the remarkable characteristic of avoiding the galactic plane, and it has been suggested that the space outside the limits of the stellar universe is filled with them.
See, Evolution of Stellar Systems, and another list will be found in Lick Observatory Bulletin, No.
He also discussed many other problems, such as stellar distribution, the extent of the universe, &c., whilst at Brera.
Man's place is not even central, as he appears a temporary inhabitant of a minor planet in one of the lesser stellar systems. Every science is involved, and theology has come into conflict with metaphysics, logic, astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, zoology, biology, history and even economics and medicine.
The advances in stellar photography made by Paul and Prosper Henry and others suggested to him the magnificent idea of obtaining, through the collaboration of astronomers in all parts of the world, an autographic picture of the entire sphere containing more than fifty million stars, which should faithfully record in future ages the state of the sky at the end of the i 9th century.
From the astronomers the Stoics borrowed their picture of the universe - a plenum in the form of a series of layers or concentric rings, first the elements, then the planetary and stellar spheres, massed round the earth as centre - a picture which dominated the imagination of men from the days of Eudoxus down to those of Dante or even Copernicus.
He invented the spectroheliograph first used in 1892 for photographing solar prominences and won an international reputation for his solar and stellar spectroscopic work.
He was the author of The Study of Stellar Evolution (1908) and Ten Years' Work of a Mountain Observatory (1915), besides numerous papers in the Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory and other scientific publications.
He observed the total solar eclipse of the 18th of July 1860, at Torreblanca in Spain, and in the same year began experiments in stellar spectroscopy.
Thus has arisen in recent times what we may regard as a third branch of astronomical science, known as Stellar Statistics.
The principal modification is that,up to the present time, stellar astronomy has not advanced so far that a computation of the perturbations in each case of a system of stars is either necessary or possible, except in exceptional cases.
Moreover, the absence of sensible parallaxes in the stellar heavens seemed inconsistent with its validity; and a mobile earth outraged deep-rooted prepossessions.
It does in fact prevail among the satellite-families of our acquaintance, and presumably in stellar combinations as well.
Meanwhile, the elementary requirement of making visual acquaintance with the stellar heavens was met, as regards the unknown southern skies, when Johann Bayer published at Nuremberg in 1603 a celestial atlas depicting twelve new constellations Bayer.
The proof supplied by him in 1802 that coupled stars mutually circulate threw open a boundless field of research; and he originated experimental inquiries into the construction of the heavens by systematically collecting and sifting stellar statistics.
He, moreover, definitively established, in 1783, the fact and general direction of the sun's movement in space, and thus introduced an element of order into the maze of stellar proper motions.
Photometric catalogues, accordingly, form an indispensable part of stellar statistics; and their construction has been zealously prosecuted.
The exhaustive ascertainment of stellar parallaxes, combined with the visible facts of stellar distribution, would enable us to build a perfect plan of the universe in three dimensions.
The assured general fact as regards the direction of stellar movements was that they included a common parallactic element due to the sun's translation.
Yet the general agreement of solar and stellar chemistry does not exclude important diversities of detail.
He observed, in 1823, dark lines in stellar spectra which Kirchhoff's discovery supplied the means of interpreting.
There ensued a general classification of the stars by Secchi into four leading types, distinguished by diversities of spectral pattern; and the recognition by Huggins of a considerable number of terrestrial elements as present in stellar atmospheres.
C. Vogel published a modification of Secchi's scheme of stellar diversities, and gave it organic meaning by connecting spectral differences with advance in " age."
Stellar lineof-sight work, however, made no satisfactory progress until, in 1888, Vogel changed the venue from the eye to the camera.
Lastly, we may mention a few distinguished men who ran counter to their age in denying stellar influences.
The partition of the stellar expanse into areas characterized by specified stars can be traced back to a very remote antiquity.
Sort by Sort output list by distance from search center (in arcminutes ), increasing right ascension or declination, or stellar magnitude.
The importance of stellar astrophysics is evident in a broad range of areas.
This will keep stellar brightness near normal, with some minor color shift.
Still, you'll have had your money's worth by then, thanks to a truly stellar cast.
The central region of NGC 1705 is dominated by a gigantic unresolved stellar cluster.
His stellar performance complete failure to help out the peugeot workers at Ryton has probably hastened his shift to another portfolio.
The whole area is covered in stars, creating a proverbial stellar haystack.
This lush coastal wilderness is home to abundant wildlife including humpback and orca whales, puffins, and stellar sea lions.
The mass-loss from these objects is invariably very inhomogeneous which has important implications for stellar wind dynamics.
In a stellar interferometer, the light sources can be two stars, or light from opposite ends of a star along its diameter.
What is the relation between stellar luminosity and stellar mass?
Until now methanol masers have been found only in association with massive young stellar objects.
We address these objectives by producing albedo maps, and reflection and emission spectra, and observing stellar occultations.
His reasoning was correct, but even Tycho's marvelous instruments were not accurate enough to register stellar parallax given the vast distances involved.
A range of stellar phenomenology and behavior will be presented together with basic astrophysical interpretations.
They treated the raw model colors in the same manner as raw stellar photometry.