An obelisk or upright stone pillar, usually as a primitive commemoration or gravestone
Especially noteworthy are the stelae (reliefs) representing scenes of leave-taking, which, though often of simple workmanship, are characterized by a touching dignity and restraint of feeling.
These, said to have been unearthed, for the most part, near the Kirk Geuz spring above the modern town, are now in Constantinople and America, and include an inscribed lion, once built into the wall of the citadel known in the middle ages as al-Marwani, and several stelae.
The god of Atha was a form of Horus (Apollo) as the sun-god; his most characteristic representation is as the disk of the sun with outspread wings, so often seen over the doors of shrines, at the top of stelae, &c. In the temple, where he is often figured as a falconheaded man, he is associated with Hathor of Dendera and the child Harsemteus.
Andaval and Bor; inscriptions incised on sculptured stelae of kings (?), probably from Tyana (Ekuzli Hissar).
Arslan-Tepe, near Ordasu (two hours from Malatia); large mound whence two sculptured stelae or wall-blocks with inscriptions in relief have been unearthed (now in Constantinople and the Louvre).
Sculptured stelae, honorific or funerary, all with pyramidal or slightly rounded upper ends, and showing a single regal or divine figure or two figures, have come to light at Bor, Marash, Sinjerli, Jerablus, Babylon, &c. These, like most of the rock-panels, are all marked as Hittite by accompanying pictographic inscriptions.
The Way of the Tombs at Athens was lined with stelae, some of them in memory of prominent citizens.
The middle section, next to the east, which was shut off by low screens, contained a table and stelae.
A late class of stelae, of which the be,st specimen has been published by Golenischeff, consists of spells of various kinds originally intended for the use of the living, but later employed for funerary purposes.
Records of the time that has elapsed between two regnal dates in the reigns of different kings are very helpful; thus stelae from the Serapeum recording the ages of the Apis bulls with the dates of their birth and death have fixed the chronology of the XXVIth Dynasty.
The latter warred in Palestine and in Nubia, and marked the south frontier of his kingdom by a statue and stelae at Semna beyond the Second Cataract.
The town was explored in 1912, and the cemetery from which the stelae came was found.
For the graves yielded not only new types of statues, bronzes, ivory carvings and painted pottery - all of the highest artistic value - but also a large number of stone stelae inscribed with funerary formulae in the Meroitic script.
The Metternich stela (XXXth Dynasty), the finest example of a class of prophylactic stelae generally known by the name of "Horus on the crocodiles," is inscribed with a long text relating the adventures of Isis and Horus in the marshes of the Delta.
These include ancient gravestones, votive bases and stelae, and a variety of other votive objects.
Stelae, inscribed with the names of the kings, occurred in pairs in the royal tombs of the Ist Dynasty at Abydos, and pairs of small obelisks are said to have been found in private tombs of the IVth Dynasty.
The site, now Tell el Maskhuta, has yielded several important monuments, including the best preserved of the trilingual stelae of Darius which commemorated his work on the canal.
Esarhaddon 's predecessor, Sennacherib, erected many stelae giving details of his campaigns, many of which were against the allies.
This couple with their power may have made it ' easier ' for women to have their stelae set up for themselves as individuals.
And nassau departing if we did n't the weather was half-completed stelae and.
This work is the first comprehensive study of funerary stelae exhibiting mixed iconography from Upper Egypt during the Roman period in Egypt.
The erection of these approximately five-foot limestone stelae was dated by archeologist Ripley P. Bullen to 440 AD.