An agency or association operating through a state (political subdivision).
Happening in or affecting an entire state (political subdivision of a federal union).
Happening in or affecting an entire sovereign state; nationwide.
Throughout a state (political subdivision of a federal union).
Throughout a sovereign state; nationwide.
At low risk redo the entire statewide parity after if you make.
A number of Presidential candidates have campaigned in Waterbury due to its pivotal role in statewide elections.
The rebates are calculated after considering the amount of money the homeowner gets from statewide energy incentive programs.
A school's API report score ranges from 200 to 1000 and the number assigned to each school is based on statewide testing.
The National Long Term Care Ombudsman website offers an overview of the statewide long term care system, with a map to make it easy to click through for more information.
Identify parks by region by using the statewide map on the NC state parks website., the official statewide travel and tourism site for North Carolina, is an ideal place to begin your search for camping sites in NC.
In addition to the statewide travel and tourism resources available on, many cities and areas within the state have their own convention and visitors' bureaus or tourism commissions.
You can search available parks using a statewide map or by particular locations, activities, or facilities.
Georgia introduced the first statewide universal pre-K program, offering free early childhood education to all four-year-old children.
Nevada did not begin statewide registration of marriages until 1968.
Most statewide homeschooling organizations list local co-ops on their sites.
The group provides support through instructions about Washington laws for homeschoolers, networking opportunities for parents and regional and statewide events to provide instruction for families.
Apart from the nationwide mobile home refinancing loans, you can alternatively seek for statewide mobile home refinancing programs.
They also advocate for the rights and interests of animals and provide educational programs statewide.
High school and collegiate dance teams are typically featured at sports events, as well as compete in regional, statewide and national competitions.
In Missouri, the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline is estimated to be approximately $2.46 statewide.
The average price statewide in both Wyoming and Texas is still about $0.10 cheaper than the national average of $2.63 per gallon.
A gallon of premium gasoline in Texas will cost $2.74, while in Wyoming, that same gallon of premium gasoline will cost $0.03 more at an average statewide price of $2.77 (AAA, 2009).
Talk to dealerships in your area about options locally or statewide, since many can ship vehicles from one location to the next.
Policy change statewide parity after a two-part model is the likely.
In it he had objected to his daughter being subjected to teacher-led recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance every morning under a statewide policy.
Georgia is the first state in the country to implement a uniform statewide, computerized touch-screen voting system.
The federal government should work cooperatively with states to develop statewide initiatives in an effort to advance a systematic approach.
Tho statewide vital registration was mandated in 1899, birth and death records prior to 1917 are fragmented and inconsistent.
If the organization you work with has an arts-oriented mission, grant opportunities may be available from the statewide or regional arts agencies or associations in your local area.