A gold, silver or electrum coin of ancient Greece.
Thus foot, digit, palm, cubit, stadium, mile, talent, mina, stater, drachm, obol, pound, ounce, grain, metretes, medimrius, modius, hin and many others mean nothing exact unless qualified by the name of their country or city.
At Athens the old mina was fixed by Solon at 150 of his drachmae (18) or 9800 grains, according to the earliest drachmae, showing a stater of 196; and this continued to be the trade mina in Athens, at least until 160 B.C., but in a reduced form, in which it equalled only 138 Attic drachmae, or 9200.
The Greek mina weights show (44), on an average of 37,9650 (= stater of 193), varying from 186 to.
The greater part of those weights which bear names indicate a mina of double the usual reckoning, so that there was a light and a heavy system, a mina of the drachma and a mina of the stater, as in the Phoenician and Assyrian weights.
The coins of the Greek dynasts and autonomous towns are struck on a variable standard with a stater of 170 to 180 grs.
A quarter stater of this kind was found at St. John's Wood.
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A quarter stater of this kind was found at St. John 's Wood.