The involuntary repetition of a sound in speech.
To keep repeating a particular sound involuntarily during speech.
To utter with a stammer, or with timid hesitancy.
He blushed, and stammered a few words of apology.
Does the person stammer over words or seem to lose track of the flow of the conversation?
In 1861 he was ordained deacon, but he never took priest's orders, possibly because of a stammer which prevented reading aloud.
Reverend Neville Greystone was a young chap with a slight nervous stammer.
From these injuries he slowly recovered, but he long continued to stammer in his speech, whence the nickname, adopted by himself, of "Tartaglia."
I began to stammer an apology, but he suddenly smiled, grabbed my hand and began pumping it.
Losing, in his violent excitement, his stammer, he inflamed the passions of the mob by his burning words and his call "To arms!"
Larry Stammer of the Los Angeles Times reports that Bishop Jon Bruno has said he will observe a personal moratorium on blessing same-sex unions.
I had a stammer for many years, however applying the speech rules I learned on your course have helped me to achieve fluency.
But you try telling someone who has a terrible stammer and has just found speech, not to speak!
Then, at a second stage, the thought, " I do not stammer " can be introduced.
At the age of 22 to improve my quality of life, I decided I had to overcome the stammer.
Gareth Paul Gates captured the hearts nation with his singing voice, well actually it was mainly because he had a really bad stammer.
She heard him stammer auction seller something about the escape of the mice; she heard him asking her pardon.
Then you would manage to stammer forth the confession that you were neither a doctor nor a dentist.
Rhymes and singing may help a child to achieve fluency - many children do not stammer when they sing.
His professional success was not great; his manner was violent, his appearance unattractive, and his speech impaired by a painful stammer.
He eventually conquered most of his problems with speech but retained a stammer for the rest of his life.
But you try telling someone who has a terrible stammer and has just found speech, not to speak !
Doubtless this coincidence gave a ready handle to the scoffing wits of the time, and among the numerous popular names given to the Beghards - bons garcons, boni pueri, boni valeti and the like - we find also that of Lollards (from Flemish liillen, " to stammer").