A shaft in a multi-story building enclosing a stairway or staircase.
He walked down the hallway to the stairwell and down.
She opened the stairwell door and hurried down the stairs two floors then darted into a hallway to the elevator.
It was anything but quiet as an open stairwell was next to me and I could hear shuffling, snoring, farting and grunting throughout the night.
She sprinted down the hall and ducked into the doorway to the stairwell.
He felt the subtle shift and stopped on the stairwell down to the gym.
She'd made it halfway up the stairwell when his voice rang out.
She tried to balance herself only to find herself toppling over and over and over down a stairwell.
They formed a fog at her feet and trailed her toward the stairwell.
She reached a stairwell and descended to a floor with wider, taller corridors, as if she'd gone from the wing with private chambers to a more public area.
They moved out of his way as he strode through the wide hallways to the stairwell leading to the top floor, Death's floor.
They strode through the opulent mansion down a stairwell spilling into sunlight and swaths of green grass at the side of the main house.
Several people stopped to stare or skirt them as Rhyn padded through, and one startled gasp drew his attention briefly to a stairwell.
She retreated to the castle, up the back stairwell off limits to everyone but her, and to the warmth of her chamber.
She paused at the top of the sweeping stairwell to look around her.
He entered the castle, following the scents up the back stairwell that Katie alone used to avoid the other Immortals.
With her arm bleeding, she couldn.t risk drawing the attention of the Immortals by taking the front stairwell even to meet her sister.
She watched him go, frowning when he turned left down the hall toward the front door rather than right to the stairwell or interior of the castle.
She grabbed Hannah.s hand and bolted for the back stairwell at the far end of the hall.
Hannah stopped at an intersection, and Katie took her hand again, continuing down the hall toward the second stairwell.
Her breathing as loud and ragged as Hannah.s, Katie paused for a deep breath inside the larger stairwell.
He trotted through the body-littered floor to the back stairwell.
She found herself ascending the servants. stairwell at a run, in case the Ully-demon was still stalking her, until she reached her floor, which appeared blessedly free of any signs of battle and death.
Evelyn bolted for the stairwell, unwilling to allow anyone but Kiera to see her without make-up, while Kiera went to the door.
That man is here! she shouted up the stairwell, and disappeared into her studio.
Lana walked down her stairwell and up Mrs. Watson's stairs.
Unaccustomed to the weight of the rucksack on her back, she almost toppled over at the first step of the stairwell and caught the banister with both hands.
He found me crying in the stairwell one day and just took my arm and hauled me down to this little restaurant on Walnut.
Darian walked down the hall and stairwell to the study where his brother, the White God Damian, was probably plotting how to outsmart the pesky little immortals who'd declared war on them.
Darian ascended the stairwell to the second floor and strode by Jenn's room.
Jenn nodded and strode towards the stairwell.
Darian started towards the stairwell then stopped, not wanting to disturb Jenn after their long night.
She stayed on the same floor until finding a stairwell leading down.
She appeared at the top of the stairwell.
Taran's gaze lingered on her as he reached the foot of the stairwell.
Taran tossed his reins to the page that darted from the stables before jogging the narrow stairwell leading to the top of the walls.
She led him into the tavern and up a narrow stone stairwell that went to the roof.
He turned to face the stairwell, at the top of which Cat sat, also waiting.
She ascended the stairwell, unwilling to beg for her job back and hoping Xander didn't make her.
Xander knew the compound and ascended a narrow stairwell to the second floor.
She watched from the stairwell as he entered one of the rooms, lining the hall.
She stepped over the dead demon between her and the stairwell without looking directly at the bloody mess.
Uncertain whether or not the battle still waged between demons and Immortals, she braced herself to be attacked as she flew past every doorway towards the back stairwell.
But he wasn.t about to walk up and down the stairwell or traipse through the shadow world a million times to accomplish the same goal.
Sensing demons in the upcoming halls, he replaced his hood and stepped from the stairwell leading to the basement into the hall on the main floor. Half a dozen demons paced the corridor, three dressed as scouts like he was. Rhyn made his way through his half-brethren, once again getting an idea of how many were there.
Katie couldn't help the bubble of happy laughter that escaped. Death chuckled with her then motioned to the stairwell Toby was desperately trying to pull Katie towards. They ran through the palace. Katie trailed the angel until they reached a small chamber she would've mistaken as a janitor's closet on the top level. Toby wrenched open the door and ducked into the dark room. A portal glowed in the center. Katie entered, overwhelmed by the thought of leaving.
Original features abound - a bread oven alcove, exposed A frames with pegs, wooden paneled stairwell and original floor tiles.
In reality - post conversion - the loft door was removed and natural light enters the stairwell from the loft area.
Follow it for about 20m, and then look to your right and you will see a stairwell.
One person uses one stairwell and the other the opposite.
The robots are swimming toward us down the dark stairwell.