An inferior kind of cannel coal from Scottish collieries, having a slaty structure.
A narrow strip of wood split or peeled from a larger piece.
A dental device applied consequent to undergoing orthodontia.
A device to immobilize a body part.
A segment of armour consisting of a narrow overlapping plate.
A bone found on either side of a horse's cannon bone; the second or fourth metacarpal (forelimb) or metatarsal (hindlimb) bone.
A disease affecting the splint bones, as a callosity or hard excrescence.
To apply a splint to; to fasten with splints.
To support one's abdomen with hands or a pillow before attempting to cough.
To split into thin, slender pieces; to splinter.
When an arm, hand, leg, or foot requires immobilization, the cast, splint, or brace will generally extend from the joint above the injury to the joint below the injury.
It is a high grade block, or " splint " coal, remarkably free from sulphur and rich in carbon, peculiarly adapted to blast furnace use.
He offers the SomnoMed mandibular advancement splint (MAS) which treats mild and moderate sleep apnea by moving the lower jaw forward during sleep.Dr.
The position was maintained in a specially designed splint, plus a pressure biofeedback cuff to maintain a set shoulder depression.
It too incorporates the splint gnomon giving the light of light at every noontime.
This is a combination of a splint and traction that is applied to the arms or legs by strips of adhesive tape placed over the skin of the arm or leg.
Bunion Regulator (pair) A bunion night splint can be used to reduce the need to use surgical intervention for a bunion Regulator (pair) A bunion night splint can be used to reduce the need to use surgical intervention for a bunion joint.
The (-) cathode gas gives a squeaky pop with a lit splint - hydrogen.
The seams are principally above water levels and in many cases have been laid bare by erosion; and the supply is varied - besides a " fat coking, gassy bituminous," there are an excellent grade of splint coal (first mined in 1864 at Coalburg, Kanawha county) and (except that in Kentucky) the only important supply of cannel coal in the United States.
It is a flexible (usually plastic) splint designed to be used over the diaper.
In the early 2000s, the Pavlik harness and von Rosen splint are commonly used in infants up to the age of six months to spread the legs apart and force the head of the femur into the acetabulum.
I was led into the physio 's room where Lesley make me this plastic splint within minutes.
They had also acquired control of the lion's share of the vital splint coal and blackband ore needed to feed these furnaces.
Over the years a number of treatments have been tried ranging from reassurance with no treatment to conservative splint treatment to various surgical procedures.
Kieron Dyer is now on crutches with shin splint problems after a long injury lay-off.
There is a distinction between treatment for a problematic joint treatment for problematic muscles How long should I wear the Bite Splint for?
The heel seats cost $24.95, so if you're hoping to get free shipping, have a look around the site for other items you may need, like a night splint.
You should not create your own splint, but consult a physician about whether this is an option for you.
For repeat injuries, however, a posterior splint may be applied for several days.
Immobilization refers to the process of holding a joint or bone in place with a splint, cast, or brace.
A splint is often used to immobilize a dislocated joint while it heals.
Before moving a child who has injured an arm or leg, some type of temporary splint should be applied to prevent further injury to the area.
In an emergency, a splint can be made from a piece of wood or rolled magazine.
They are generally used along with a cast or splint, but are sometimes used alone as a means of immobilization.
After a cast or splint has been put on, the injured arm or leg should be elevated for 24 to 72 hours.
If excessive swelling is noted, the application of ice to the splint or cast may be helpful.
After the cast, splint, or brace is removed, gradual exercise is usually performed to regain muscle strength and motion.
There is the possibility of decreased circulation if the cast, splint, or brace fits too tightly.
If the cast, splint, or brace breaks or malfunctions, the healing process of the bone or soft tissue can be disrupted and lead to deformity.
Bone chips are usually used to splint together the vertebrae to increase the likelihood of fusion.
A bulky dressing and splint supports the hand after surgery, with uninjured fingers left free to exercise.
A stiff shell cast, called a splint, may be also used to achieve the same purpose.
The large metacarpal is called in veterinary anatomy " cannon bone"; the small lateral metacarpals, which gradually taper towards their lower extremities, and lie in close contact with the large one, are called " splint bones."
Full weight bearing can be allowed without crutches, splint or plaster cast.
The test for oxygen gas is that it relights a glowing splint.
It took him a while, his movement hindered by the ungainly wooden splint strapped to his leg.
A removable knee splint may be used to support the knee during the recovery period.
Once its job is done, the smart splint must disappear completely - a very smart solution to an old medical problem.
I was led into the physio's room where Lesley make me this plastic splint within minutes.
There is a distinction between treatment for a problematic joint treatment for problematic muscles How long should I wear the bite splint for?
The home fans booed but it was obvious the injury was worse than it appeared as a leg splint was brought on.
Orthosis-An external device, such as a splint or a brace, that prevents or assists movement.
Even the night splint has been shown to be effective only in relatively chronic patients.