In a violin-family instrument, the carved wooden plug which sits in the bottom block of the instrument.
The spike of a cello or double bass that makes contact with the floor and supports the weight of the instrument.
A sort of very large nail.
A piece of pointed metal etc. set with points upward or outward.
The trap was lined with spikes.
Anything resembling such a nail in shape.
An ear of corn or grain.
A kind of inflorescence in which sessile flowers are arranged on an unbranched elongated axis.
(chiefly in the plural) A running shoe with spikes in the sole to provide grip.
A sharp peak in a graph.
A surge in power or in the price of a commodity etc.
The long, narrow part of a high-heeled shoe that elevates the heel.
A long nail for storing papers by skewering them; (by extension) the metaphorical place where rejected newspaper articles are sent.
An attack from, usually, above the height of the net performed with the intent to send the ball straight to the floor of the opponent or off the hands of the opposing block.
An adolescent male deer.
The casual ward of a workhouse.
Spike lavender.
oil of spike
To fasten with spikes, or long, large nails.
to spike down planks
To set or furnish with spikes.
To embed nails into (a tree) so that any attempt to cut it down will damage equipment or injure people.
To fix on a spike.
To discard; to decide not to publish or make public.
To increase sharply.
Traffic accidents spiked in December when there was ice on the roads.
To covertly put alcohol or another intoxicating substance into a drink.
She spiked my lemonade with vodka!
To add a small amount of one substance to another.
The water sample to be tested has been spiked with arsenic, antimony, mercury, and lead in quantities commonly found in industrial effluents.
To attack from, usually, above the height of the net with the intent to send the ball straight to the floor of the opponent or off the hands of the opposing block.
To render (a gun) unusable by driving a metal spike into its touch hole.
(football slang) To slam the football to the ground, usually in celebration of scoring a touchdown, or to stop expiring time on the game clock after snapping the ball as to save time for the losing team to attempt to score the tying or winning points.
Narrower at the top and surmounted by a spike it distinguishes the Assyrian kings.
Two diverse views of the morphology of the fertile spike in these plants have been entertained.
Oils of lavender and of spike are used as vehicles for painting, more especially for the painting of pottery and glass.
The mass of styles from the whole spike is pendulous from the summit of the sheaths, as in fig.
On the other hand, the spike has been explained as due to the elaboration of a single sporangium occupying a similar position with regard to the leaf as in the Lycopodiales, and evidence of considerable weight has been brought forward in support of this interpretation.
The spike of Helminthostachys corresponds to that of Ophioglossum, but in it the sporangia are borne on two lateral rows of branched sporangiophores.
Spikelets falling singly from the unjointed rachis of the spike or the ultimate branches of the panicle.
She turns to Emma's mom Spike for advice.
In British New Guinea alone is the mancatcher (a rattan loop at the end of a handle with a pith spike projecting into it) met with.
She has left Spike, and seems fickle, while Spike's love seem eternal.
The plants of which the floral organs or perfect fruits are preserved include the amber-bearing Pinus succinifera, Smilax, Phoenix, the spike of an aroid, i i species of oak, 2 of chestnut, a beech, Urticaceae, 2 cinnamons and Trianthera among the Lauraceae, representatives of the Cistaceae, Ternstroemiaceae, Dilleniaceae (3 species of Hibbertia), Geraniaceae (Geranium and Erodium), Oxalidaceae, Acer, Celastraceae, Olacaceae, Pittosporaceae, Ilex (2 species), Euphorbiaceae, Umbelliferae (Chaerophyllum), Saxifragaceae (3 genera), Hamamelidaceae, Rosaceae, Connaraceae, Ericaceae (Andromeda and Clethra), Myrsinaceae (3 species), Rubiaceae, Sambucus (2 species), Santalaceae, Loranthaceae (3 species).
The spoons of the Greeks and Romans were chiefly made of bronze and silver, and the handle usually takes the form of a spike or pointed stem.
The horizon was full of peaks like the teeth of a saw, so numerous as to be nearly indistinguishable from one another, except for the occasional spike that rose above its companions.
All data were corrected for spike recovery using spiked reagent blanks.
Spike saw the revue several times and attended Noel 's farewell party.
Spike turned to see her sagging a bit against the doorframe.
Also learn how little crime i 'm or spike tv.
Due to his temperamental nature, he was named ' Spike '.
Drag the Warp Marker from 1.2 to the beginning of the spike in the waveform display where 1.3 was originally.
Finally, attach some sort of spike to the sign so that it can be stuck into the ground securely.
After being cast in small roles from 1989 to 1990, Halle's big break came in 1991 when respected director Spike Lee chose her to play the role of crack-addict Vivian in the film Jungle Fever.
Sophora Secundiflora - A low dense tree or leafy shrub, with ornamental foliage composed of neat rounded leaflets with a glossy surface, and strongly fragrant violet-blue flowers borne in a dense spike.
The latter is further remarkable for having the median area of the head-shield, the flabellum, produced into an anteriorly directed spike.
The original release had Spike swearing edited out to receive a U certificate, now presented uncut this release carries a PG cert.
Some of the redbrick workhouse buildings survive, turned into houses, along with the spike.
Spike 's ringing tones were only covered by the toll of the front door bell, reverberating through the house.
Scarify to remove unwanted material, spike and top-dress, seed in sparse patches.
Spritzer stirred at my mother 's feet, sniffed the air, and then snarled angrily at Spike.
Before applying the fertilizer, spike the lawn with a fork or with a spiking machine and water the area thoroughly.
People spike drinks for a number of reasons including wanting to sexually assault, rape or rob the person whose drink they have spiked.
The blossoms, at their best in September, are carried as erect spikes of about 4 inches, each spike holding about a score of small ivory-white flowers with reflexing petals and protruding stamens.
Kurdistan. C. spinosus is a quaint little plant like a small Apicra or Haworthia, with a rosette of flat, spoon-shaped leaves, each tipped with a spine, and a spike of yellow flowers in early summer.
Strong bulbs will give three spikes in one season, eack spike bearing twelve to twenty pink flowers 6 inches across, with buds a deeper red, and opening in succession, so that the display lasts for some weeks.
Africa, has curiously formed small white flowers, which are disposed in a long slender spike, and the bright orange-scarlet blotches make them interesting when closely examined.
It is a profuse flowering kind, often bearing as many as six blossoms on a single spike.
The flowers appear late in the autumn on a one-sided spike opening from below upward, of a bright crimson color, resembling in form those of Tritonia aurea, and should be well grown wherever cut flowers are desired in winter.
If the central spike be removed, the side shoots will flower, and by thus cutting off the old flowers before they form seeds we cause fresh shoots to issue from the base, and to keep up a succession of bloom.
Z. lavandulaefolia (Zietenia) - Dwarf, creeping, half-shrubby perennial of a greyish hue, 6 to 12 inches high, with purple flowers in summer, borne in whorls, forming a spike about 6 inches long, with a slender downy stalk.
P. japonicum is a taller kind with long narrow leaves and a dense rounded spike.
From the centre of each tuft springs a stem 6 or 7 feet high, terminated in the flowering season by a close cylindrical spike 9 inches long, which is of dark olive, but changes to brownish-black as it ripens.
T. angustifolia is like it except in the size of the narrower leaves and spike, and of the two is perhaps the more graceful.
The flowers are four to six on a spike, and the plant varies from 6 to 10 inches high, according to the soil and warmth and shelter of the position.
The finest strain is the large flowering Pyramidal Ten-week, vigorous plants, each branching freely, bearing a huge main spike of double flowers and numerous branching spikes in succession.
Stud Flower (Helonias) - A distinct and handsome bog perennial, H. bullata being 12 to 16 inches high, with handsome purplish-rose flowers in an oval spike.
S. aloides is an interesting native water-plant with a compact vasiform tuft of leaves, from the centre of which arises in summer a spike of unattractive blossoms.
Other plants such as dracaena are tall and spike, and look best placed near the back or center of a container garden.
Just before going to sleep, melatonin levels typically spike in your blood.
It's a 2 on 2 matchup in Beach Volleyball where you bump, set, and spike your way through Arcade, Exhibition, Tournament, and training modes.
If you have ever played volleyball, then you know you serve the ball, volley/return the ball, spike it, or dig the ball.
The Florida Large Mouth, Red Eye, Small Mouth and Northern Spike Large Mouth are the four breeds you'll be fishing.